Monday, 13 November 2023

First Snippet


The Great Apostle, Paul knew extreme hardship time and time again blended with sometimes 'instant' persecution from the stirred mobs who had stoned him and then left him for dead outside the walled  Roman or Greek cities. Yet he set his face like flint and would dust himself off and complete the work the Lord Jesus Christ had called him. Trials,trials and more trials seemed to be the major theme of the Apostle Paul's life.

Ever need en-courage-ment, then look no further than the life and times of the Disciple , Paul in any of his letters in the New Testament in the Bible or the book of  Acts {of the apostles} also in the Bible ( sometimes titled the Acts of the Holy Spirit) to gain a greater perspective during your trials,reader.

What do you think? Ever need someone or something to give you a boost? Care to comment?

In the face of extreme difficulty, maintaining the right attitude and displaying courage is crucial. It is through the boundless support of Christ Jesus that one can endure trials of extreme persecution and remain steadfast even under fire. With unwavering faith and trust in Christ, individuals can find the strength to overcome any challenge and emerge victorious. The power of Christ's love and guidance provides immense hope and optimism in the midst of adversity, enabling believers to face even the most trying circumstances with unwavering resolve





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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)