Monday, 7 October 2024

My Zina, Our Beloved. (Revisited Again)

My Zina, Our Beloved.

 (Revisited again )


Celebrate- even in tears and joy- with so many others and me the love, life, and loveliness of Z, My Wife! Having entered--- in the Eternal triumph of the Lord, her God and Saviour, Jesus into Heaven. 

Tears, sorrow and sunshine and joy are the bread and life of her humanity but all is swallowed up in victory to Eternal Life.

May All who loved My Zina be comforted and supported by the Grace, Mercy and Love of the Father who dwells in Heaven forever.


Join in the chorus of thanks for her rescue and the tremendous work behind the events you may never really hear of. Some of you have played a  vital and substantial role in the comfort, experience and life of my Zina throughout the course of her life journey.


Some spoke simple words of avowed friendship, in the light of transforming love and eventual spreading of the same for her Lord and Saviour, we all enjoyed. Many of you became precious companions throughout the reality of her life on this small planet. Some smiled, some frowned and some looked around, all lived in the glow of her love. Zina thought of and prayed for many in the wee small hours of sleeplessness, emotional anguish and terrific pain.


When despair settled upon Z's classic smile, many rescued her and wove a garment of assistance. With true love, they lifted her with their words and deeds. Many prayed and their love buoyed her above the flood waters. She rallied, dependent upon her Lord, and soon enough, she found equilibrium.


Peace within, while the world rages, though short-lived and very slim. Pain and terror where lies and error survive. Law of love or rule of state, waiting for the seventh estate. When ties evaporate, the courts of heaven sue. Presence felt there, the people declare, Faith must, when sorrows multiply, in God we should trust.


 You and I soon learned that failing often comes with surprise and God has achieved his purpose. Beautiful is her name, valiant is her suit, love is her frame. Never shall she wander lame. Listen carefully, Jesus said, tour Heaven with the Book when on earth.


Amen and So be it.

Written by my poor love but in the cosmos of His.



Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)