Thursday, 16 November 2023

Why Believe in God?


Why Believe in God?

Imagine being an archaeologist who is slashing his way through a hot lush jungle to search for the undiscovered Mayan ruin. He is being led by a compass and a makeshift map. He is travelling with a native guide who is familiar with the lay of the land and its creatures. He also places hope in the native, who the archaeologist believes will help him find his treasure at the end of the rainbow—so to speak.  

Let’s fast forward a bit and say that he has found his goal.

Now let’s ask the archaeologist how he found the Mayan temple? How did he know it was there? He explains  that he had seen some evidence of it while flying over the thick jungle one day. He had seen a strange, but simple square hill. He knew that was indicative of   design Intelligence and idea implementation. Nature rarely creates square shapes like that, he added. That’s how I found it.  Of course through some long haul planning and the help of native guides as well.

So why does anyone believe that God exists? For just the same reason that you or anyone believes that there are some ruins that exist there in some Central American jungle.

When you see something that provides evidence of design and purpose that makes it reasonable to suspect there is intelligence behind it.

There are 4 good Reasons to believe in God.

No1: The universe reflects design and purpose.

   God is the only reasonable ‘cause’ that could have the universe being created as the effect. Everything in our universe has to have cause and effect. Essentially evolution attempts to explain creation without a creator. It takes as much faith to believe in the cataclysmic event as the big bang as it surely does to believe there is a Creator God!  The act of faith involved in belief that there is a God who powerfully spoke the cosmos into existence is no greater than to believe that everything existing now involved an impossibly tiniest ball of matter which exploded and turned into the vast infinite reaches of the billions of galaxies found today.

 Nothing plus vast time =nothing plus vast time.

No2:  The universe reflects design and purpose.

   The precise order and mathematical design in the universe suggest an intelligent designer behind it. “since the creation of the cosmos His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made.” (Rom 1:20). To believe in the big bang is like believing that all the parts of a  tiny watch lying together in a jumbled heap on a table, and having those jumbled parts explode, and then having that watch all put together and running.

It’s one thing to explain where all the parts come from and to explain how they work; but it’s quite another greater reason to put all the parts together and working in a way as to tell the time. Not only is the universe here but it runs according to verifiable precise mathematical laws.

If a square hill in a jungle suggests a Mayan civilization, then the universe shouts of a God.

No3:   The universe reflects design and purpose.

   Humankind is higher than animals and is created in the image of God. Humanity is different from animals. People long to know who they are. People long to know where they come from. People long to know where they are going. They long to know others’ thoughts and feelings. They long for purpose and meaning in their lives while they are here on earth. They are far and far away more intelligent than animals. They long for each other beyond sensual expression and sex. They have a moral code. They have a sense of the spiritual domain.  They long to make a difference. They build civilizations by machines of all kinds. They reach beyond their birthplace; the earth.

All civilizations in all of history have had a religion. These things are not true of animals.

No4:     The universe reflects design and purpose.

    The Bible is not a science text book. But it does not contradict science as some claim. It inspired the ancient, medieval & modern scientist to explore the nature of the all of the things on earth and in the cosmos.

 Originally it caused man to believe that there were mathematical rules that governed the universe. And these predictable laws rewarded greatly those who discovered these principles as the workmanship of a Creator God. God intended the intricacy and design of the universe to point to Him. It was to make Him known to us through nature and the inner, intuitive recognition of God

God reveals Himself in the Bible and nature.



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