Thursday, 25 January 2024

Love and Other Bruises



Love and Other Bruises


How desperately, I used to be loved and valued by others! Yes, it’s normal to want recognition, acknowledgment and value placed upon us from significant others. Especially respect and love are vital to our emotional well-being. Being part of a community of loyal souls is essential because we are relational beings. As you are aware, humans are powerful social beings. We learn very early - from that moment we are born--- rarely can we cry without wanting our parents (or someone else) touching and soothing our cries away. We are born with a vast sense of belonging to the people who bring us to life. In the womb, we grow accustomed to our mother’s heartbeat, movements, and feelings. The song of life is those first sounds we hear when we are first hearing. As unborn children, we feel safe listening to that rhythmic beating and to the inner closeness of our fluid sanctuary.

We all need each other as much as we need love, acceptance, companionship and heart-to-heart understanding. In this aspect, we all fail to give our family and friends these vital elements. But I’m learning with God’s help.

 Respect and gratitude are two other elements of life I often find lacking, especially when we should remember to thank the Sovereign Ruler of our world and lives. I confess that mostly, I do not get it right with people, nor can I fix what I’ve damaged without His Ultimate Help. I ask for His Healing touch!

I praise Him for the unmerited favour He extends to me.


If you are feeling lonely, maybe even broken-hearted. God wants you to know that He knows what you are going through. He wants to tell you that when your heart breaks in two, He’s there waiting to bring you through. He wants you to know He knows how you are hurting. Right now, if it seems that you can’t get through the circumstances you face, I’ve been there too. But He wants you to know that He can calm the raging storm. He’s the Creator of our solar system—even our universe. Please, He didn’t necessarily create your trouble--- He’s ready to hear and help your heart’s cry. Mostly to be answered via other persons we know, He made, but without a doubt, to be answered by Him! In His way and time! He can refresh your heart and renew your mind. He set me free! He can set you free! Invite Him to.


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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)