Monday, 4 March 2024

Geo - Social Restoration.( Re-worked)

Geo-Social Restoration (Re-worked)


Masculinity and Femininity are re-defined in post-modern Western societies. 

To be a mother is considered to be a 'poor' and unworthy role or occupation relative to those roles of Hollywood- imagined  females. Of course, this is the expected outcome of the momentum of the.'60's sexual revolution.' Since the 3rd wave Feminism, such re-definition has been more assertive with the passing decade.


To be the softer, gentler, more sensitive and supportive feminine type of traditional women is to be weak and irrelevant.

To be so is not to be an 'integral' part of post-modern Femininity. Neo-female sexuality is frequently used as an advertisement and tool to be ' switched off or on' as required by the female 'activist.' Now female physical beauty with more masculine traits is being extolled as higher than the beauty of traditional feminine character. The outcome of this movement had gained mileage among the young and further exacerbated the decline of feminine virtues and personal character growth.


This 21st century Femininity has targeted the traditional masculine role .Labelling traditional Masculinity as toxic and irrelevant is woke-ness personified. Unless the male is subservient to the more robust, dominant female, the man is substantially outside 'usefulness' for most Western societies. Such ideology is 'sold' increasingly to the younger female generations.


Subtle dark forces are transforming, exchanging and subverting the normal roles of males and females. 

However, such relegation of males to increasingly 'narrower' roles in Western cultures is disadvantageous to ordinary masculine men. With the future rise of AGI autonomous humanoids of the revolution of the 21st century, traditionally male occupations will be replaced by such advances, further exacerbating the downward spiral of manhood.


This  situation aims to break up the family unit as the  main source of parental guidance, stability and upbringing  in the socialisation of each new generation. This reversal of traditional gender roles is being pushed by Big Media, Big Money and Big Tech and, to a large degree, by the LGBTQ+ Agenda.

There is evidence to  support the remarkable survey findings that since the  60's sexual revolution there are now more younger men waiting for marriage while younger women unfortunately sport a 'high body count' and marry less. The semi-reversal of the reversal.


 Currently, the ever-promoting influencers of gender dysphoria and political confusion brought on by left-leaning and  progressive atheistic policy-makers and socialistic organisations are disrupting the status quo..  The left-leaning LGBTQ+ Agenda has co-opted the many symbols and practices of traditional Western culture since the beginning of the 20th century's hippie revolutionary cry of, make love, not war. 


Totalitarian regimes have taken advantage of the societal woes of the West by cleverly promoting socialism, progressiveness and anti-Christian rhetoric coupled with some highly biased social media and techno-utopianism, transforming the young of the Western world into the me-intoxicated, poly-amorous, anti-wrinkle, anti-heroic generation. 


Can the West rescue itself from the decline of its core values and norms based on the ancient Judeo-Christian foundation?

Opinions vary from an inevitable crash to the remarkable, encouraging resurgence of Christianity seen mainly in the Asian, African and two Middle Eastern countries!


While the news of the above is gloomy.




Thanks to the enduring power and support of Christ Jesus and His earnest followers, who are praying with faith and placing their lives, money, and efforts at no real risk into the supernatural grand scheme or exhaustive  geo- shaping of God the Father.


All is going to plan.



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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)