Sunday, 19 May 2024

Book vs Phone

I'm going to say a book  can be better than a phone-
See if you've heard this: a guy is walking his dog right beside a 
busy road and he almost dies because he's staring straight into a book!
You were expecting it to be his phone, right?
If you're going to risk your life, at least do it for the printed word.and especially the Bible 
We might think there there is no difference between reading on paper 
reading on a screen. But as Dr Tobin writes, our eyes only tell us a part of the picture.
"Cognitive scientists have discovered that reading is not only a visual 
activity, but also a tactile activity," Tobin writes. "A book is a physical 
object... you see and feel the texture of its pages. Leafing back
forth provides a mental map of the entire text, aiding comprehension 
and recall."
OF course, when we read a book, we are  not checking email, voicemail, Facebook, texts, Instagram
So put down the phone. Grab a real book.and gain knowledge. Avoid the roads, while making inroads on wisdom.
Initially based on an article by J Stonestreet.
With thanks to
Breakpoint is a highly recommended resource.

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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)