Sunday, 19 May 2024

Enduring Treasure:


MY Z. MY E. and D.


God is determined to transform His Children and I believe that all of the Heroes and Heroines of the Faith have modeled some of the great core elements of God in their lives.


ONE: They followed God

TWO: They lived the Word closely

THREE: They found God’s plan for their life.

FOUR: They reached out to others regardless of the threat, cost, or persecution from non-believers.

FIVE: Their loved one became their greatest support, encourager and loving example.

SIX: They achieved some great purpose in the world via faith, prayer and love.

SEVEN: They restored some forgotten emphasis from the Bible to their listeners

EIGHT: Each went beyond the norms, culture and social standing of their former lives.

NINE: They were in some way overlooked  by the established church and the environment refused to allow them to minister their own chosen field of endeavour. Each went on to achieve their life- purpose despite hindrance and objection!

TEN: Each modeled Christ in their own fashion.

ELEVEN: Each overcame the powers of darkness that had hindered their work for GOD.

TWELVE: Many never saw the work of their hands and feet to full completion in their lifetime.

THIRTEETH: All did Much praying.




You, like them, are exceptional.


By Your Husband,



Sunday 19th May 2024


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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)