Thursday, 23 May 2024


AUGUSTINE (354-430). 

Augustine is considered to be the  most important  church father, and Augustine is considered most  widely known  due to his Confessions, a personal account of his conversion to Christianity. He was born in North Africa to a pagan father and Christian mother. As a young adult, he was a follower of Greek pagan teachings But he was moved by sermons  of Bishop Ambrose  and the faithful  prayers of his mother.He was later prompted by a voice to read Romans 13:13-14, which brought him to a saving, faith.

Augustine then adopted a very simple lifestyle, selling all his possessions and devoting his gifts to Jesus. He was appointed presbyter to the
church in Hippo in 391 and made bishop four years later. Augustine
became the spiritual leader of the Western church and his teachings can
be found in his numerous treatises, sermons, and The City of God written in response to the sack of Rome in 410AD.

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