Sunday, 5 May 2024

In Lieu of Heaven?


Polyamory: The Lie or Truth?





In one magazine headline, “A Polyamorous Mum Had ‘a Big Sexual Adventure’ and Found Herself.”  People who like this mum, who engage in sexual relationships with multiple partners, once known as promiscuity. Believing, it seems, that sex is a better place than heaven.


There are TV shows, movies, and books promoting polyamory as fun and even beneficial—a journey of “self-discovery” that could boost your marriage. A middle-aged mum published her sexual exploits in a book. She believed that by opening her marriage, she cast off 'internalised sexism' and her tendency to put 'others’ needs' before her own. It is undoubtedly true and it is hard to think of anything more selfish than the implied “you’re not enough” at the heart of polyamory.

While the graphic images, colours and  patterns of the advertisements on  billboards, magazines and websites may deceive some into thinking that indulging in  promiscuity can bring them fulfillment and purpose. This misguided belief overlooks the deeper aspects of human connection, emotional intimacy, and personal growth, leading individuals down a path of hollow experiences and shallow relationships. The overall ‘paint job’, only serves to mask or whitewash the underlying emptiness and perpetuate the misconception that true meaning can be found in the pursuit of many
sexual partners. As Robert George pointed out, talk of “self-discovery” and “liberation” in polyamory is a lie designed to appeal to people’s inherent need, not for God, but for sex.


Many add that an important thing to really know is that dissolving commitment to one person as essential to sexual relationships is the natural outcome of dissolving natural differences between males and females. Making sexual differences unimportant to our love lives also makes the number of lovers unimportant


There are people who seek fulfillment—even a kind of salvation—in sex. They want, even expect, more than it can give. I term this  self-deceived sexual autonomy. Thinking that having all your sexual needs can only be met by multiple partners and enables one to achieve a kind of heaven. Sadly, by perverting it, they deny themselves the great good that it actually can deliver true marital connection.


Despite the books and the left-leaning mainstream media’s push of polyamory is a soul-crushing disaster for those involved! Ironically, for a word that means “many loves,” there’s little lasting love involved when people throw aside commitment to one person to chase their every sexual whim.

This is a verifiable fact, not mere opinion. As social scientist Arthur Brooks
put it in The Atlantic, “In 2004, a survey of 16,000 American adults found that for men and women alike, ‘The happiness-maximizing number of sexual partners in the previous year is calculated to be 1.’”

An abundance of social science evidence supports the idea that a stable and committed marriage is optimal for women, children and men's emotional, physical, mental, and financial well-being. Research indicates that women who only have one sexual partner, their spouse, have the lowest divorce rates and experience greater long-term happiness.

As one social scientist put it, ‘Kids are not like a pizza you can slice up six different ways.’” Nor, I add, is the one-flesh bond of marriage that produces and shelters children.

“At the heart of human society is what G.K. Chesterton called a “triangle of truisms” consisting of father, mother, and child. We might point to another: marriage, sex, and babies. Our Creator designed them to go together. Tearing them apart has foreseeable results—both for individuals and for society. One of those results is that ever more selfish and love-less forms of sex become normalized as forms of self-expression and love.”

The emerging polyamory lifestyle is entirely predictable, because of the loud echoes of the 60’s Sexual Revolution.

 Of course there was much prodding and pushing by other players whose aims are those of left-leaning atheistic individuals and errant organizations. 

If you want to try and counter the sexual autonomy lie with truth. There are some who would stop you, some who are deceived, thinking that throwing off restraint means greater pleasure ultimately. Truth  becomes subservient to sexual convenience and such immoral thinking becomes sexual injury or harm for the individual, for the family and beyond. The loss of the innocence of a generation forecast the loss of western society, its foundation and its temporary wrecking, but not its destruction. Like its founder, it shall rise again.

 I thank for the additional quotes and many truths within my post.

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1 comment:


Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)