Wednesday, 15 May 2024

The Getting of Wisdom


 A Breath of Fresh Info Front and Centre.


As you begin your search, your recovery, your journey into wholeness, remember you shall find detours, hairpin- turns and bumps and potholes that can throw you aside. Don't be fooled,  there are seemingly innocent forces that can derail the most robust person. Your scepticism and naivety seem normal, yet your ability to reject the lure is truly compromised.
Gear changes are needed to climb mountains and down valleys. 

Many traps, snares and puzzling situations can occur, even future trends show up with improbable answers. The demands  of this global life seem insurmountable-- at times. Who do we trust? What is true? Is there anything really trustworthy in this time and space? If your truth is true reality, how is my reality or truth-- really true?
Can both situations exist side by side? Can both of the answers be real? If something is negative for me, how can it be truly positive for you?

I know, too many questions! Very vexing, very troublesome. 
On this planet, we are all together. If there is a multiverse or a universe of universes out there, we are all on this solo planet. So even if there are endless dimensions, and we are in a single car together, we are not in separate spaces or times. Therefore your reality is yours and mine at-the-same-time. Of course! Huh?

But we cannot get a robot sweeper to clean up a mess like that! We need wisdom, don't we?
This situation is all part of the process!. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and continue at a walking pace. Don't run, walk. The path will still be there, just walk, planting your feet purposefully. Mindful, cognizant and aware of the on-going trials in your future.
Do think about it, we are not animals who just eat, sleep and mate.
(Afterall we built Civilizations, not more monkeys.)


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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)