Sunday, 12 May 2024


Dear Wife,


How can I ever really express my feelings towards you in a coherent way that would not undervalue the fantastically extravagant love, mercy, graciousness and forgiveness towards me over the past years!

You have remained the faithful wife extraordinaire over the entire time you have loved and known me!

I believe you still love me at a great cost to yourself because of the sometimes unpredictable behaviour I have exhibited on some occasions.

We have been two great forgivers over the years, two great pray-ers over the years and two great lovers  of the Almighty over the years. But in all this you were always the greater.

Yet having said that would undervalue the stupendous way you have led the two of us through the difficult times that we have experienced in the last two-three years. Even when you were in pain almost insurmountable, you led with clear-headed wisdom and unmatched love always- no- matter- the- cost!

You have beaten the MANY trials and climbed  wintery Mt Hebron in summer clothes and bare hands and feet being given a glimpse of a true believer’s reward as you reached the mountain top.

No human can take that away from you. It is a God –given view!

Only God Himself could have supplied the resources, awesome gifts and spiritual fruit that has transformed you into a truly great woman of God.

Despite my sometime opposition and differing viewpoint in many cases. I have grown under your remarkable tutelage – your wisdom and uncommon common- sense has always saved the day and night with Our LORD’s aid prevailing.

If ever you remained angry or hurt for longer than usual you quickly overcame it with the LORD’s ever-present help.

Our marriage has withstood the darts and whispers of the evil one over the past few decades. I would say —it was YOU who prevailed over the evil one but you in true woman –of- God fashion would point to Jesus, the CHRIST as the Victor.

Family is of uttermost importance to you.

I see that precious sacrificial love you have for our children, grand- children and great-grandchildren in most of the events we experience on a day by day basis.

Family is the nucleus of the community; the community is the molecule of the nation and the nation is the DNA of the world.

How can I sum up the importance of you to me and me to you?

We are the inner combination of two families, ideally a better family.

The ALMIGHTY has loaned you to me and me to you for a brief moment in time and space. By bringing us together the sum of the parts is greater than the parts individually. This is called synergy.

By bringing us together, we the proton and neutron, create the core of a new nucleus. Love made us ready for Eternity.

With all of my poor love but a cosmos of His,




Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)