Monday, 27 May 2024





Victor Kiam

"Entrepreneurs don't sit on their haunches, waiting for something to happen. They make things happen."

—Victor Kiam

In his autobiography Going For It! Victor Kiam is the first to admit that he is no entrepreneurial genius. He learned what it takes to operate and build a company by watching it happen.

 After graduating from Harvard Business School in 1951, Kiam spent the next few decades climbing the corporate ladder at Lever Brothers and Playtex. After a merger, Kiam became disenchanted with the company's direction and left. As many executives do, he went to a corporate headhunter to begin finding a new position. George Haley of Haley Associates had a different idea. "You should go out on your own," he told Kiam. "Find a company you are interested in, buy it, and run it yourself. Or start a new company."

Haley's advice surprised Kiam, but he let the idea settle and attended the worldwide seminar of the Young Presidents' Organization. After the conference, Kiam bought the Benrus company and in 1979, acquired Remington. Both companies were having problems, and Kiam was able to play a role in turning them around. He became a celebrity by appearing in television commercials and telling viewers about his purchase of Remington. Attired in a bathrobe, Kiam declared that he liked Remington's electric shaver so much, "I bought the company."

CONSIDER THIS: Never say never to an idea. What have you been mulling over, thinking about doing, but have not had the courage to attempt?



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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)