Saturday, 8 June 2024

The True Basic Building Block.

We all know that God the Father exists! 

We ALL KNOW that. 

This is the basic building block of the cosmos and beyond. 

Fortunately for Mankind, God is very patient and is very long suffering. We all by nature refuse to believe that God is the Holy being that from ALL things have their existence. We deny our basic fundamental belief that everything and everyone came as a gift from this Eternal Being.

A Christian is someone who has evaluated, believed and asked God the Creator to forgive this blatant and willful denial of the Fact that God exists and deserves gratitude with all of our being. 

No one has ever deserved the gifts of life and living to themselves and other humans in this temporal world. 

Really there are only two world views!

God and non- God. 
Theism or A/theism.

Which will you follow?

Which or Who will you thank for your existence?

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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)