Saturday, 20 July 2024

Rising from the Shadows: Russia? Iran?

Rising from the Shadows: Russia? Iran?


 This assault by the Media on the event of the Trump assassination attempt is one that most of the empathic Western world don't believe that some persons could not be sympathetic or simply don't care. The unthinkable might have occurred and one could (tragically) believe that some people wished the bullet had hit.

One's belief is another's toxic beliefs. 


If one believes what most Media outlets have hated to report favourably, then I have and like You realise that not everything is as it seems. This  ensuing chaos is rightly thought of as ' organised ' mischief. 

But I don't wish to play the devil's advocate. 

There are forces of Light and forces of darkness. There is a brutal death- wish of the forces of darkness that is contrary to that which is good and right. These evil elements of wrong do what they do because of the silent,  temporarily hidden ways of devilishly attuned beings. Of course you do not believe what I just said! 


Some even go further than others would by saying

"The devil's triumph in the post-modern world is characteristically presenting himself as a red- clothed being with a long tail and pitchfork!"

Either cartoonist or non-existent.

While the Bible paints him as a being or fallen angel of Light though kicked out of Heaven. What God judges, we should call out... and mobilise against.

 Laughter like a waterfall gushing over rocks. What? How? When? Has this writer lost his marbles? Please give him some pills, somebody, anybody!

You are rightly aware that there is more than what touches the senses of our humanity.

Ultimately, you and I are here by the grace of God.

 One's belief is another's toxic beliefs.

I paraphrase  William Booth's thought poorly, as I wish to lift humanity out of misery into the Light of the Heavenly Paradise.


What some would freely express, some freely censor. That is a mutual burden.  But one I freely consider.


Opposing views are welcome.

Comments, pros and cons are always welcome. 


I thank a small number of people who rightly have given of themselves in forming my humanity and my exclusive views to the contrary.




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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)