Thursday, 1 August 2024

Faith vs Reason ?



Light in the Darkness?  Faith!

To Augustine, faith is not, like credulity, blind or arbitrary. To be credulous is to believe the absurd or irrational—to believe without good reason. Right faith for Augustine is always a reason-able faith. Revelation yields information that one cannot gain by unaided reason, but never information that is opposed to the laws of reason.

Though in one sense faith is prior to reason, in another sense reason is prior to faith. I cannot believe something that is manifestly irrational. Knowledge, to be believed, must be intelligible. This does not preclude the realm of mystery, but there is a big difference between a mystery and a contradiction.

I may not be able to plumb the depths of the mystery of gravity or motion, but it is not absurd to believe that gravity and motion are real.

Likewise, I may not have a comprehensive understanding of the mystery of the Trinity*, but the concept of the Trinity* is not contradictory or irrational. I believe the truth of the Trinity* because I am convinced that it is revealed by divine revelation, to which I, on sane and sober grounds, yield an implicit faith. If, for example, I know that God exists and is omniscient and wholly righteous, I would be foolish to doubt what he clearly reveals.


Based on the Book The Consequences of Ideas  R,C,Sproul.

*The Trinity=God in 3 Persons. ( the Tri - unity God) 


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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)