Sunday, 22 September 2024

Be Eager or Ashamed ?



Timothy Keller’s: ‘Being eager or ashamed.


There are two ways to feel about sharing the gospel: eager (Romans 1:v 15), or ashamed (Romans 1: v 16). In these two verses, Paul will help us to be “not ashamed of the gospel.”

Before you read on … Why is the gospel shameful or offensive to people?

Here are four reasons. The Gospel says:

   salvation is undeserved; it offends moral people who think their goodness means they don’t need saving.

   we are all sinners; it offends the popular belief in the innate goodness of humanity.

   only Jesus can save; it offends those who think that all spiritual paths lead to the same place.

   the road to glory is one of suffering and sacrifice; it offends those who want following Jesus to be easy and comfortable.

Read Romans 1 v 16–17


I Am Not Ashamed

Why is Paul not ashamed of the gospel (v 16)?

What does it do (v 16)? Who for?

This power goes to work in anyone and everyone who “believes.” Here we have the first explicit statement in Romans that the only way to receive the gospel and its saving power is through faith. Notice that the gospel does not come with power; it is power. It is the power of God in verbal form, and it has the power to change, transform, and give life to people. It does what no other power on earth can do; it saves us.[1]


Do you ever doubt or forget the power of the gospel? What causes this?

What difference would it make to you if you had a real grasp on how powerful the gospel is?

What the Gospel Is

What is “revealed” in the gospel (v 17)?

This is a positional word; it means to be in right standing with someone, to not owe them anything. It means to be completely acceptable to someone. So verse 17 is saying that right standing from God can be received from God (chapter 3 will show us how this is possible).

So why is this gospel about far more than simply “being forgiven”?

The gospel is a complete reversal of both the natural tendency of the human heart and the universal thrust of other religions. Everyone else thinks of salvation as being about providing our own righteousness to offer to God. The gospel says salvation is all about receiving a righteousness from God.

 Pray  & Thank

Thank God for this wonderful gospel. Ask God to make you so excited about what the gospel is, and does, that you are eager about living for it and sharing it.


[1] Timothy Keller, “Romans,” in 90 Days in John 14–17, Romans, James, pages 100–101.


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