Friday, 27 September 2024

Suffering, Salvation and Sufficency


Psalm 37:39But the salvation of the righteous is of the Lord.

Salvation is a vast term and describes the whole life of true believers—their whole experience, from their first consciousness of the ruin of their sin to their entrance into heaven. Daily they feel their need to be saved from self, sin nature, Satan and the world.

We are trusting God for our preservation and peace.

The wealthy sinner is on another course and comes to another conclusion: he disowns all need for salvation and considers his success to be all his own doing.

But, according to other scriptures, “The ungrateful sinner shall be destroyed and the end of the wicked shall be destruction.” God is not with the unrighteous; they have neither safety, strength, nor salvation in their time of trouble.


The salvation of the sinner/saint is of the Lord, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost in—

         The planning.

         The progression.

         The completion.

 The sinner/saints recognize their need for the whole of it.

 Our inner conflicts tell us that God alone must work for salvation.  We are inherently inferior and innately too weak to save ourselves.

Our trials and temptations drive us to the same conclusion.

        The world’s hostility drives us away.  But God is greater than a warring world.

 Only God’s grace can be all-sufficient


We may leave humanity’s worst cases in the Saviour’s hand.  He can save utterly.


I thank the late Pastor  C H Spurgeon for the  initial basis of this post


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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)