Friday 4 October 2024

One Small Planet, One Small Country.


One small Planet, One small Country


Update Middle East.

There has been much speculation amongst the Western and Eastern world these past two days.

Even well before the October 7 Massacre. Most people who are interested in Middle Eastern affairs or Middle East Conflict are wondering.


Iran waits tensely for repercussions for the largest   Missile strike in the Middle East since the Iraq War and Saddam Hussein. Iran even boasts that it employed A Hypersonic missile(s) in the direct massive military barrage against Israel.

 So where is the questing or questions leading?

 In the USA, there is very much pushback against President Biden and VP Harris's Administration for comments that Israel should respond harshly but don't touch the Underground Nuclear facilities. That's a no-go, according to President Biden's off-the-cuff comment, and it even seems that the United Alliance (otherwise known as the NATO?) thinks the same way. At the very least, that is what President Biden seemed to intimate.

Of course, this war ( it is now if it wasn't before ) has demonstrated to Iran, Israel, and the US that war games during Peace times work.

To Be Continued


What God Expects ( What?)



 What God Expects…


bible reading: Ephesians 6:1–4

  key bible verse: And now a word to you fathers. Don’t make your children angry by                      the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction                             approved by the Lord. (Ephesians 6:4)

God expects parents to be patient with their children.

 If our faith in Christ is real, it will usually prove itself at home, in our relationships with those who know us best. Children and parents have a responsibility to each other. Children should honor their parents even if the parents are demanding and unfair. Parents should care gently for their children, even if the children are disobedient and unpleasant. Ideally, of course, Christian parents and children will relate to each other with thoughtfulness and love. This will happen if both parents and children put the others’ interests above their own—that is, if they submit to one another.

The purpose of parental discipline is to help children grow, not to exasperate and provoke them to anger or discouragement (see also Colossians 3:21). Parenting is not easy—it takes lots of patience to raise children in a loving, Christ-honoring manner. But frustration and anger should not be causes for discipline. Instead, parents should act in love, treating their children as Jesus treats the people he loves. This is vital to children’s development and to their understanding of what Christ is like.

 What does God expect from children?

 bible reading:   Exodus 20:1–12

  key bible verse: Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the  land the Lord your God will give you. (Exodus 20:12)

Children are to honor their parents. This is the first commandment with a promise attached. To live in peace for generations in the Promised Land, the Israelites would need to respect authority and build strong families. But what does it mean to “honor” parents? Partly, it means speaking well of them and politely to them. It also means acting in a way that shows them courtesy and respect (but not to obey them if this means disobedience to God). It means following their teaching and example of putting God first. Parents have a special place in God’s sight. Even those who find it difficult to get along with their parents are still commanded to honor them[1]

[1] Neil S. Wilson, The Handbook of Bible Application.


Wednesday 2 October 2024

Revised Iran - Israel Escalation News


 Revised News (with an opinion piece.)

Iran launches waves of Ballistic Missiles at Israel.

Iran had fired more than 190 Ballistic missiles at Israel.


The Iron Dome and Arrow 3 missile system destroyed most with the United States assisting with US Naval Assets in the region and with more support from Jordan. Many intercepted missiles fell into the Mediterranean Sea. Air Defence of Israel worked extremely well! Former President Trump has more than hinted in his election platform that America could well  deploy and employ  such as system as the Israeli Iron Dome.


Gunmen overnight carried out terror attacks at a cafe and restaurants.  It's believed that 8 persons were killed. Several others wounded.

IDF vowing that they will consider the appropriate response for Iran's massive missile launch. Attacking their underground Nuclear facilities and other high -value targets such as their Oil Refineries. It should be noted that recent reports have indicated that Iran were only weeks away from a small arsenal or potential batch of weapons- grade Uranium.Iran has the ballistic missile capability with the nuclear warhead to attach if they possess  the required  fissionable material?

Source: Fox News TV USA.



USA reiterated, via Pentagon Spokesperson,  that Israel has the right to defend itself. USA and its partners ( but will allow US partners to speak for themselves) will support Israel in this event and come what may. However USA and its allies do not wish to see a broadening regional conflict.The pressure on Israel to counterattack without an overkill measure is mounting. Israel will take appropriate action as is its right, IDF declares.

Prime Minister Netanyahu in recent speech at United Nations declared that Israel would defend its existence and repeated his thematic statement that Israel is fighting for the future of the Western World not just for itself. An attack on Israel is an attack on Western Civilisation.

by Digital Anvil.

BREAKING NEWS--with an opinion.



Breaking News with an opinion.

Iran launches waves of Ballistic Missiles at Israel.

Iran fired more than 180 Ballistic missiles at Israel continuing.


The Iron Dome and back up Arrow 3 system destroyed most with the United States assisting with US Naval Assets in the region,


Unknown gunmen also carried out terror attacks at a cafe and restaurants.  Believed 8 persons killed.

IDF responded with Iranian Air defence Systems surrounding their Nuclear Plants  being destroyed*.

Source: FoxNews USA.

 *Tentative strike possibility for Israel.


USA reiterated via Pentagon Spokesperson  that Israel has the right to defend itself. USA and its partners ( but will allow her partners to speak for themselves) will support Israel in this event and come what may. However USA and its allies do not wish to see a broadening regional conflict.The pressure on Israel to counter without undue measure is mounting. Israel will take appropriate action as is its right, IDf declares.

Prime Minister Netanyahu in recent speech at United Nations declared that Israel would defend its existence and repeated his thematic statement that Israel is fighting for the future of the Western World not just for itself.

Prayer for Z.



Prayer for Z  when God is Near

Dear God, 

Thank you for being here and for the knowledge that we can trust you. We are feeling weak and are weak. You are strong. Grant us total trust in your loving will. Bring peace and understanding into this situation for all.

We pray for Z to be healed, to be made strong again. We desire to see her up and around again, full of life and love. We want to see her family and all of her friends rejoicing around her. Relieved and grateful to you for her full recovery.

More importantly we ask for your will to be done. Your will is perfect. Your ways are perfect. We trust you.

As we walk through the valley of the shadow of death. We have fears, but we place our trust in you. Help us to know that as we walk through this time we are not alone.

We pray in the name of Jesus asking for your strength. Amen and Amen.

Dear Visitor,

If you might add your prayer and thought to mine please do so. For my wife who is suffering.  Thanks.



Tuesday 1 October 2024

United Nation's Unfair Bellows--reshaped

United Nation's Unfair Bellows- reshaped.


The disgraced United Nations has passed more than 170 resolutions against Israel, which is more than the Rest of the World's combined tally of 75 resolutions in the past decade.


This assault by forces of darkness should not be swept away and ignored by the dubious core of good-into-evil-values elementary groups within some Western Societies.

 This state of affairs is internationally known and is exacerbating an unfair situation in the Middle East.  A David versus the Hydra war increasingly fought against seven writhing arms of terrorist fronts.


IDF strikes dead two viciously deadly individual arm- -controllers leading the Iranian-backed terrorist attacks on the tiny state of Israel. Iran is guilty of failing to protect Lebanon’s most vulnerable citizens because of its mindlessly appalling hatred for Israel and Iran considers it too bad for the starving masses whose lives are ruined by getting in their way. 


Provocative and deadly Iranian policy-makers slay -all -to provoke Israel and consequently, many of the innocent perish as an unwelcome outcome. When comes the next condemnation?


A Sample of Heaven.



That Holy Spirit of promise.

A Sample of Heaven

Ephesians 1:13-14

Heaven is ours by inheritance. It is not purchased by merit, won by our strength or good works, but obtained by birthright as a Christian.

Of this inheritance we have a foretaste or sample which is of the nature of a deposit guaranteeing our coming to full possession.

A deposit is of the same nature as the ultimate blessing. A pledge is returned, but a deposit is retained as part of the thing promised.

      The Holy Spirit is himself the earnest of the heavenly inheritance.

He is not only the deposit but the foretaste of everlasting joy.

            His entrance into our soul brings that same life when we enter heaven: eternal life.

        His work in us creates that same holiness essential to heaven's enjoyment.

        His influence over us brings us that same communion with God which we shall enjoy forever in heaven.


The Holy Spirit brings us many joyful foretastes of the heavenly inheritance.

                Delightful help in service. .

            Joy over repenting sinners.

            Communion with saints.

            Growing knowledge of God and all divine things.

            Victory over sin nature, Satan, and the world.

            Security in Christ Jesus.


By these samples, we look forward to the things that God has prepared.

      There is a very dark contrast to this.

There are tokens or pledges of trouble.

There are also pledges and samples of the eternal state of misery.

Sinful men may guess what their sin will bring them to when it has ripened. They learn from—

      .  Their sins in this life births fruit: shame, rags, disease, etc.

      .  Their fear of death, alarm at the thought of it.

      .  Their frequent anxieties and fears.

      .  Their disappointments in their companions, their mutual quarrels and hates. Imagine being locked up with such persons forever?

      .  Their distaste for good things, inability to pray

It's such a joy to find heaven's sample here!


I thank the great preacher-pastor C H Spurgeon for the initial basis of this teaching. I recommend any of his brilliant books.


One Small Planet, One Small Country.

  One small Planet, One small Country   Update Middle East. There has been much speculation amongst the Western and Eastern worl...