Wednesday, 22 November 2023





hat’s the most important truth you will ever hear?

What would command every dimension and aspect of your life and thinking between now and the day you draw your last breath.


Until you and I have the following nailed down in our thinking, the unforeseen tragedies--- when all hell breaks loose—will be our ruin. But if we do get one or two things nailed down, our peace will be more certain.

So what is the defining truth in a nutshell:


God is!


As a child, do you remember wondering about God? You probably did. I thought a lot about nature, mind, science, music and other cool things. Of course you probably looked up at the night sky and wondered where all the stars came from.


But perhaps you like me as you grew up began to think less about God and more about the other unusual things around us. Perhaps you went to Sunday school and if you were like me, had a lot of questions. One of my most pressing questions received no answer at all.


I discussed many questions among my classmates getting more questions with very few really compelling answers. So God dropped off the agenda eventually and I went my own way.


Sunday school reached a dead end and developed into the more compelling library. At least I could read and learn about all varieties of interesting topics.


So let’s fast forward this essay:


You were created by God, a remarkable and marvellous display of His workmanship.


Regardless of who your parents are and the hidden story of your conception, you are not a Darwinian accident! Your birth was forecast from the beginning of time, even before the cosmos was created. Every cell and cellular structure; every blood vessel; every bone; every muscle; every finger, toe and organ came into being right on schedule and as planned… before the foundation of the earth. From your first breath to the present moment, every organ in your wonderfully made body has been functioning without your help.


Your retina is unique, your voice print and fingerprints are all unique. No one else has them now and nor was there anyone else in all history having your exact unique sets of distinctive prints.



When we consume food, our organs convert meat, vegetables, grains…. from dead stuff when cooked into…. nourishment. God left a set of protocols of complex instructions within our bodies intentionally directing and sorting the useful from the waste into nutrients, which keep us living.


The Bible says our bodies were created; the miracle of creation revealing this truth to us every day.



Let’s examine the question that all manner of persons have asked, why is there a universe, why is there anything at all rather than nothing?


I believe the answer lies with the reason that the Everlasting God intentionally determined that there should be, so He made the decision. Because He is Love, He wants to share His cosmos with beings, such as you and I, who will willingly return His Love with their own.



You will not find God in a test tube.


 You cannot absolutely prove God exists but that there is everywhere credible and ample evidence for His Everlasting, Mighty and Majestic Being. You cannot go to a laboratory and re-create the historic event of your personal physical birth. Just like you cannot re-visit a historic event and replay it. No matter how much the Sci-Fiction movies and science documentaries pretend to, even with the marvel of CGI animation to see how it might have happened. Though there was no human to observe the actual creation of the universe nor for that matter the difficult and impossible-to -believe big bang theory.


Let there be,” God said, and there was.


But after the creation of the ordered cosmos, at a later stage, God revealed Himself to mankind. A created mankind. Revealing His omnipotent power, extravagant loving- kindness and perfect wisdom through His holy servants who were guided by divine will to write the Old Testament and later: the New Testament.

With supernatural power, He set into motion the intricate and complex universe with its laws. Superintending His ordered creation, interposing in human history which is running a sovereignly directed course or journey. Planned and fashioned to even minute details with beyond outstanding love and imposing and extraordinary care. As Albert Einstein once said,” the incomprehensibility of the universe is its comprehensibility.” God wants to make Himself known to His mankind. God wants all of mankind to return to Him.



Not a random accidental universe but a supernaturally directed one!



For example, how does the sun rise and set with such accurately predictable times? The earth travels at a precisely pre-determined speed around the sun so that you and I can believe the meteorologists who announce the sunrise and sunset each day to the second. Who set that in motion with the seasons repeating their order with such reliability?

God ordered these things to happen, exactly as they do.


This essay inspired by the book, “7 things you better have nailed down before all hell breaks loose.” By Robert Wolgemuth. (Heavily edited. All mistakes are mine.) NB: This is Not a review of the book.


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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)