Saturday, 9 March 2024

Are We Intelligent?

 Or are we pragmatic?

Our viewpoints comes from the societal mashup. We are a mixture. Our soup has a dash of faith and a dash of atheism. We are simultaneously mystical and natural. We believe either God did it or it is just a coincidence. Our God- faith has elements of religion and at other times has elements of hard- core science. We believe in climate change and  reject evolution. We deny the supernatural miracles, yet watch ghosts, ghouls and the ' para-normal.'

We live by contradiction and accept oxymorons. Exciting new things and old fashioned ways. 

We are confused and see something of the Light. Darkness surrounds, but Dawn is breaking. Pleasure is defied yet we set boundaries to regularly cross over.

Consequently we move between darkness and light. We accept political correctness,yet seek to correct those who teach Christ. We deny polyamourous relationships yet watch the 'Batchelorette'. We deny marriage yet crave  and watch 'Married at First Sight.' We serve hot cross buns  yet sleep through glorious Easter. Many lead double lives, living ' wonderful ' lies. We prohibit gross immorality but zealously consume ' harmless ' pornography.

Singing jolly hymns, we gather at Christmas, denying the Christ his rightful place. 

We all have values. We all have viewpoints. But Socrates said that the unexamined life is not worth living. Do we de-value self- reflection and self- correction?

Our world view is largely philosophical,  but we are not all philosophers. We call that high-brow  yet live out our personal lives without thoughtful reflection.  We discriminate against 'do -good' Christians  yet praise violently graphic movies. We fund and reward ruthless CEOs, yet police ruthless con-men.

We decry  autonomous weapons, yet thank violent freedom- fighters. We are a mass of contradictions, yet 'preach' single-mindedness.

How we survive in our lives, speaks more of the love and grace of our God than our so- called innovation and invention. Techno- Utopianism as a worldwide world- view has us clamouring and demanding more, but we  are really beggars. The stupendously rich lie without much controversy, yet the remainder of humanity slowly swallow each hook from each crook.

How we live reveals our deepest foolishness about life. Our lives say  much more yet show how little we think.

We have values, but value so little.
We err, but deny divinity in the Man Jesus. We exult forgiveness in relationships and deny the ultimate Forgiver.  We search for truth and yet accept lies. We love our children yet deny simple biology.

Will we wake from our slumber to be rescued by our greatest  Champion-- the Lord Jesus of Nazareth. 

Our Saviour weeps while we carelessly sleep.

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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)