Saturday, 9 March 2024


A Christian's values are measured by transcendent norms of eternal significance.

An atheist's values are measured by transitory norms of momentary significance. 

Anyone who embarks on a .mission of combining Christianity with Secularism embraces a foolish errand. 

The core of  historical Christianity  cannot be unified with the core of secularism. 

The atheist lives only for the here and now. The Christian lives in the light of the eternal. For the secularist,  life is the moment by moment Embrace of the here and now. Nothing eternal exists nor matters forever.  For the Christian, life is the thought by action Embrace of the Forever. Everything is seen, heard and done with Eternity in mind and heart. 

Christianity includes Eternity.

Atheism includes Momentarism.

However we cannot escape the world in which we all live. We dwell on this planet.  In the past, monks sought to escape from this world. To abandon the world to the immediate. But how do we do that? Wherever we run, the world exists beneath our feet.

What outcome can we achieve by escaping now? Instead we must embrace the world without  embracing its worldliness.
We escape the world by living outside the domain of the ideology of the ' living-in- the- moment.' Our lives are reset by the casting off the old clothes and putting on the new. Contrast the looking- to- heaven  Mind with the only earthly-good Mindset.

Where your treasure is, your heart will be also.

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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)