Monday, 18 March 2024

Why Bother? I'm Sorry!

My Apologies! I missed my own deadline. 

However I learnt that even with the best plans,one can mess-up.This situation got me thinking. 
In the 1970s, the philosophy of two men became published. They were Alasdair MacIntyre and Samuel Gorowitz who wrote an essay on the nature of failure, of human fallibility.

The question they sought to answer was why we fail at what we set ourselves to do in this world.

One reason, they observed is necessary fallibility. This means on those occasions we want to do something for the world we live in, are simply not in our capacity.. we are Not omniscient nor all- Powerful.  We are not God. Even with our State of innovative and intelligent technologies, our mental powers are limited. Much of what happens is outside our understanding and control.  We are at the mercy of all kinds of forces, which are  arrayed against us. There are things that are beyond our logic and minds, which occur anywhere and at anytime.

We are simultaneously working with and at the same time against ourselves.  Humanity is powerfully progressing yet at the mercy of our own fallibility with our ignorance and ineptitude  woven into the fabric of our world.

Remember that there are elements of incalculable menace and joyfully there are elements of what we term, luck.
I unfairly perhaps call misfortune or something lucky as the fingerprints of God. Indeed some things are not looked for, yet are very fortuitous for all of us. 

Who would think that the two brothers of a religious family would start the aerospace industry.  When the then prevailing sentiment was that  God would have given us wings to fly,if we were meant to.
 But before you leap at the ignorance of the rest of  that society. Remember that the Medical profession once persecuted a doctor who evaluated and campaigned against unsanitary practices of the then current health services. They attacked him mercilessly until he entered an insane  sanatorium and died there.

Today Doctors wash their hands between patients and so do we.
Bacteria and viruses are a fact.

Thank God!

Ineptitude and ignorance are a fact.

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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)