Thursday, 14 March 2024

Why Bother?

Perhaps our loves and lives are not our own. Given that thought, we must ask,whose are they, if not our own ?

Who or whose? 

If our lives and loves don't belong to us, then does any of our heart and life belong to us wholly or partially?

Of course, I bristled at that point at the thought thinking, what does that mean? 
I am my own!

 Who would dare to suggest that my life and love doesn't belong to me? My parents gave me life and successfully raised me! So I owe them my first allegiance. My family is made up of siblings and my family of friends is my next obligation.  So where does that leave me? It means that I owe life in a form of familiar hierarchy.  You are highly likely to have that sort of experience as well.

Thank God for that realisation.  Of course, you have already  been aware of that  and acted upon that as well.  Or you may not be fully aware of that that your life and your love are divided between people long ago. Long before you were born. 

( Thank you for reaching this far,  if you are able to read more, then return to read on tomorrow.)

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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)