Friday, 15 March 2024





Perhaps the greatest single chasm that Christians are caused to fall into is that of the” privatisation” of their faith. What do I mean? The usual term means the dismantling of a nation’s socialism, particularly, the return of government- run enterprises to private control.

But that is not my meaning here.

Here, it is the separation of the believer’s spheres of involvement of his faith between ---his private and his public life. In particular the virtual banishment of his faith to that of his private life, not to be included in his public life. Over the last decade I noticed increasingly unspoken social pressure to make my faith exist on a purely personal level, not something to be shared with others—publicly. Now you may agree that it is a private affair –our faith. 

So why is this a problem?

 Where the practice of private faith fails is that its influence is to be seen and heard and lived out in all areas of our life. But the post- modern western world is becoming to be as one of not allowing the invasion of faith in the market place of Ideas anymore.  Here in Australia and the Eurozone and the USA.

The church has faced this opposition time and time before. True as it is, we must fight this battle

 Jesus would have none of this in his day, nor should it be in our modern day.

As one commentator put it, Jesus is not a “religious leader” but Lord of all of life. How can we support that way of thinking in our post-modern world where the Christian faith is being backed increasingly into a corner?  Well, in Luke’s gospel, Simon Peter was brought to his knees pleading over this point. Jesus had borrowed his boat so that He may address the multitudes from near the shore and then told Peter to “put out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch.”  Peter makes a point out to Jesus that is a sadly absurd idea because he had already fished there all night.

This seems to imply that Peter is” the knowledgeable fisherman” and Jesus is “the rabbi.” You do the preaching, I do the fishing is what Peter is saying basically. However Peter obeys, only to find his nets breaking with the catch and the two boats were in danger of sinking.

Like all of us should, then Peter hurries to Jesus’ feet and states, “go away from me, Lord, I am a sinful man.” Thus Jesus is Lord over a thousand hills of cattle and more, is in charge of everything and anything. The whole universe and more is His alone and we are to be His faithful witnesses.

So Lord Jesus over all, for all and in all.

This was written in 2014 and therefore out-dated.

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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)