Friday, 5 April 2024

Counterfeit Post 3 ?


How do we lay down our idols in our hearts which are not spiritually safe to have them ?

We need to offer them up to God. We need to let go of them,to stop being enslaved and enthralled by them.
Their presence in our hearts are dangerous to have and hold. However being aware of them intellectually,as an abstraction to voice, leaves  them just as nestled in our hearts. 

We have to know deeply, that He so assures us, so cherishes us, that God so loves us, so delights in us that we can rest in our hearts in Him for our significance and security and love that He can deal with anything in our life.

A heavily edited excerpt from the book Counterfeit Gods  by Timothy Keller. 

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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)