Friday, 5 April 2024

Counterfeit Post 5 ?

While Reading The Book of Counterfeit Gods by Timothy Keller.

 Never in my wildest dreams have I received, experienced or learned so much more than I have since I gave my heart and life to Jesus the Son of God many years ago.

 I fell into a well of despair when I fell for the counterfeit gods in the world system that I was initially raised to believe.

 I elevated those idols (not those of stone, iron or gold) of sex, money, fame and power above the core values and norms of the Domain of God and then disaster struck while I walked the paths of this world for a time. Even while walking the new path of God, I was habouring some of the old ways of the self intertwined with the world system. 

 This book  startled  me causing me to re-awaken and to break free from those idols of sex, fame, wealth and power that had secretly enthralled me for so long. Thank God for individuals whose faithful walk with God has opened the way for others to be released.

I encourage and recommend it to you.


Timothy Keller's book entitled Counterfeit Gods


1 comment:


Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)