Thursday, 11 April 2024

Yes? No? Or?


Yes? No? Or?

Now, we can all improve the reasons we have for our beliefs.

  But for many, the Christian story makes good sense of reality as we find it. We all experience an exquisitely ordered universe that begs to be explained by a designing Creator.

 This is also a moral world. People have certain inalienable rights, and there are things that are objectively right and wrong. This is tough to explain if there is no God.

 We have also all experienced deep longings for the transcendent and it’s clear that nothing in this world fully satisfies. The Gospel addresses these deep longings and points us to a divine fulfillment.

 Perhaps the best reason of all is that you have experienced the living God for yourself as he’s convicted your heart and made himself real to you. If so, all of these constitute reasons for thinking that Christianity is true.


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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)