Saturday, 25 May 2024

Try -Again Again


Persistence Pays Off

“In the long run a man becomes what he purposes, and gains for himself what he really desires.”—H. Mabie

Time after time, biographies tell the story of a person who had a great idea that was rejected or who was turned down for a job. But that person was incredibly persistent and eventually became a success. Such was the case of Becky Heflin. After applying for a job that she really wanted in state government, Becky virtually camped out on the doorsteps of the governor’s office until she was hired. Over the next several years, she was named to a number of high-level positions. When Carol Channing went looking for a job, she continually hung around a talent agent’s office until she was accidentally invited to audition for a part.

Steven Spielberg went to the film studio where he wanted to work, found an empty office, put his name on the door, and began to create. Almost no one at 3-M believed that Post-It notes had a future, but Art Fry kept handing them out to people until the company gave the product a chance. Even after the first marketing attempt failed, Art refused to give up on the idea and kept plugging away. A new idea can go nowhere unless someone has the faith to believe in it after others have stopped doing so and possesses the persistence to keep trying after most reasonable people would quit. Who knows what inventions or ideas have been overlooked because they weren’t pushed hard enough?

CONSIDER THIS: What ideas have you given up on too soon? What opportunities have you left because the “door closed?” Why aren’t you outside that door trying to pry it open again?

 Alan C. Elliot, A Daily Dose of the American Dream: Stories of Success, Triumph and Inspiration

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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)