Friday, 21 June 2024

Ancient Vision ? ( Reworked )

Here is a worthwhile consideration for your heart and life. 


Because we believe in him, we can believe in the past. Whether in yesterday, near or ancient past.  I think that true wisdom comes from the ancient world. Why? Because God worked with the ancient nations to produce His people, Israel, particularly Moses, who was the Mediator of the Old Covenant or Old Testament!


Hence, the Old and New Testament manuscripts survive today to provide us (the world ) with God's revealed Eternal wisdom.

 Ancient Israel also carried the very DNA of the Messiah in their bodies!  God always plays the long game to achieve his goals!


He is meticulously precise and methodical in all he does, using us, his poor human instruments, to achieve Eternal aims!


Praise God for His eternal wisdom and unparalleled works!

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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)