Tuesday, 2 July 2024

Puzzled ?




I am baffled or puzzled by those who do things differently based on the ancient principle of love!


Yet, Yet, Yet,


I ask you, would you NOT have it any other way?


It's only relatively easy to be reminded.


I don't think that I am a narcissist. Besides, isn't everyone a potential candidate for narcissism or narcissistic behaviours?


Of course, the world loves itself and the so-called Me Generation. 


Everything is determined by individual choice of individual preferences!


There is no authentic God out there. He or she does not exist. That means we are all the Gods on the planet. In our reality, we are the ultimate measure of right and wrong. Everything is Man and Man is everything!


Morals, norms, and standards are only agreed upon by every man and woman. 


All people who agree with that are a significant society; thus, they can enact and enforce the rules, and no rules ultimately rule. Except there are no rules.


Ethics and morals are only agreed upon widely known conventions. 


Conventions are convenient rules.

That guides and shapes our decisions as we learn and act upon the rules we perceive in the reality we all step into. We don't start from scratch each time we are born.


No! We all are raised in a world that consists of more than a toss of the die or dice. This world has laws, rules and norms that are written ( and unwritten ) into the very fabric of our social order. Much is already based on what has been decided long ago. However, some forces have set themselves against the prevailing social order and attempt to reshape the establishment according to their knowledge and opportunities. If they succeed a new social order is created.


An excellent example of value reshaping on this planet is a simple lifestyle that could develop, like the following.


So, as long as everyone agrees that since sex is good, it is widely and wisely known that limiting good things is wrong.

Therefore, limiting sex is terrible! ( Because all things are good, like sex)


So anything that is sexy is good, not wrong.


So, since sex sells

Selling sex is saleable or worthwhile.


Thus, sexy people can sell sex-- very well.


The sexier a person is, the more sellable or worthy that person is; therefore, the more valuable they are.


Of course, if we take those notions to their most straightforward conclusions, we have anarchy and chaos—a return to earlier times. Therefore, everywhere might is right. Remember that there are no absolutes or right and wrong.


Whatever you or I choose ...is right or wrong for you and me. But remember, it has already been stated that there is no ultimate truth or virtue.


Since true, citizens are right or wrong as their preferences dictate and if all rules are invalid or false they are only conventions or noted customs. It follows citizens

make their own decisions about what customs or conventions they obey.

 It's been said that everything is relatively true but not absolutely true. This hypothesis is based on the unconditional truth that nothing exists except perception.  Perception is reality. Reality is perception.  Each person has different experiences internal and external, which are differently perceived. Nothing exists outside of the mind. Minds see everything differently because you and I are unique. 


Individuals are Individuals. Therefore, truth is not absolute but relative. Individual truth is not absolute truth; therefore, individual truth is relative.

However, someone may counter that if truth is not absolute,  virtue is not absolute and, therefore, dead. If virtue is dead, that means that civilization is dead. 


If civilization is dead, then without truth and virtue, the only end will be barbarism or chaos.


Of course, civilisations would become impossible without rules and virtues.


Do you follow what I am saying?


This kind of thinking happens every day, everywhere and they think we can throw away our lives as enslaved people except for the elite few! Who are mighty enough behind a fortune, pleasant fortresses and personal mercenaries. 


See Earlier post, Titanic Clash ? ( to learn more) 



Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)