Monday, 26 August 2024

Cease- Fire Update

Has Hamas and Israel rejected cease-fire and release hostages deal? Yes? No? Which do You think would come to pass?
Tell us! Let us know.
Opposing views always welcome.

As you might be aware,  Israel and the political wing of Hamas rejected cease-fire negotiations.  
Both parties have  Not  reached their own expectations for agreement. 

To some this was a foregone conclusion with ensuing tensions rising. The Middle East region continues to darken as each party considers their  secret options. 

What did you predict? Had you hoped for a temporary peace? A cease-fire plus hostage release ?
Thank you for reading this article. You are most welcome to comment. 

I recommend the Gatestone Institute for more information and incisive essays on Middle East Affairs.

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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)