Friday 20 September 2024

Mission of the Christian today?



The Mission of the Christian.

Old School Statement


We act in faith, hope and love in the present, offering our lives as LIVING sacrifices to our exalted Lord. Then, in the power of the Holy Spirit, we prepare this sin-cursed and war-torn earth to receive the reign of God on that day when heaven and earth are married together. We want, as best as we can, to make God’s kingdom ‘come’ so that it may be ‘on earth as it is in heaven.’ By our kingdom- labours, we are preparing the bride to meet the groom, setting the table for the wedding feast of the Lamb and curating God’s creation for the day when God will be ‘all in all.’

Questions to ask

Is the post-modern Christian more shaped by social media than by Scripture? What can we do to correct that?  Utilising  the social media Christian to build the Kingdom is problematic,  but can we avoid hindering the shaping and efficacy of them in the process? More challenging, how do we build the kingdom in the face of secular nationalism and globalism while resisting the inevitable seduction to create an empire of our own? 

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Mission of the Christian today?

    The Mission of the Christian. Old School Statement   We act in faith, hope and love in the present, offering our lives as LI...