Wednesday 16 October 2024

Self- Control is Transferable



Self- Control is Contagious ?


A 2010 study found that self-control can be contagious.

 The study, conducted in a laboratory setting, found that watching or even thinking about someone with good self-control makes others more likely to show the same restraint. The study also found the opposite to be true.

 A person with poor self-control can influence others to act negatively. The effect is so strong that flashing a picture of another person for only 10 milliseconds changed the behavior of study volunteers. People tend to mimic the behavior of those around them, and bad habits tend to spread through social networks.

 The study is the first to show self-control is contagious regardless of the behavior modeled. The lead author of the study, Michelle van Dellen from the University of Georgia, said, “The take-home message of this study is that picking social influences that are positive can improve your self-control.” She added, “And by exhibiting self-control, you’re helping others around you to do the same.”


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