Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Set Apart for a Special Purpose


 We are All set apart for a Special Purpose.


The world and its hype

The world all of our lives shouts at us telling us that we are special. That we are worth the gifts, things and services that they enthusiastically advertise. Most of the time the hype reaches us and makes us feel insecure unless we have that special thing that they want us to part with our hard-earned cash to have. Most times it is all specifically targeted psychology and  powerful marketing designed to feed our human search for significance and status but still we cannot get it unless we part with our monies first!

The Cycle

I hope you realise though they are reaching into our minds and hearts to help us to feel secure, valued and loved by what they feed us in their advertising campaigns. Of course it works for a while, only for them to present to us the next thing and after that the next thing, event or service—the cycle ever goes on.

Since things will not fulfill us— they will for a while-- we Westerners tend to scramble for our next dose, upgrade or new or improved. The things we purchase soon become obsolete with the next replacement they brilliantly and compellingly promote. The outcome of this is that we feel somehow empty or soberly disappointed. Cheated by them.


However there is something special about us; God’s good news states that we are made in His image. That we have intrinsic value or inherent value within us. Our core value of being a God- created being, unfortunately, is covered up with the world system’s hype and half-truths. Our sparkling core value is covered with so much muck we cannot see it. God has given us, yes each one of us, special gift(s) to use for His ultimate purpose. We all have a specific and special purpose planned by the Almighty Father for every one of us. Our ultimate purpose orchestrated by God. Unfortunately it’s also compromised by our own humanistic inner nature, our tendency for wrongdoing, and our selfish ego-centric goals.

But God, the Father has provided a way out of this.

That Jesus of Nazareth paid for our sin by His death on the cross. He took our shame, our sinfulness and our rebellion against a Holy God whose justice had to be paid in full for those sins. Yet instead of us paying for our wrongdoing, Jesus did! Christ died for us to pay for the awfulness of our disobedience, our falling short of the high standards of God Almighty. And He pardoned us freely as a gift to be received, without charge or cost, without any personal merit or our own good works to earn any favour. He yearns to fill that void in your heart that only He can fill which we have filled with false things.

Heart Tug

 If you heard anything about this good news, be open to God’s tugging on your heart. Pastors really want to help you and me to trust in God and put aside our disbelief. Many persons give up their time and life to touch the hearts and minds of persons like you and me so readily and freely. They don’t do it for the money; they do it out of love. Of course there are those who do it for their own false, selfish gain.  They twist and spread their poison.  But God.


Getting back to your ultimate purpose of your life, God will, if you give Him a chance as time goes by, reveal to you hidden gifting and skill-sets you didn’t know you had. Why would God do this and want nothing in return for it? “…so that in the ages to come He might show the immeasurable riches of His grace and loving-kindness towards us.” (Ephesians: Ch 2. NT)

GOD wants to show that He alone has your best interests at heart. He is not trying to steal your joy in living. He wants to increase it. So that you might find abundant life to the full in Him. Remember God is love and unconditional love, power and favour always finds a way.

Thank You, Reader, for your patience. Feel free to comment or amplify. Please,let us know what you think or feel?


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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)