Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Faith in What?


 Faith---in What?


Faith in what? is the question.   Believe is a transitive verb requiring an object. When we hear someone say, ‘Just have faith,’ or ‘Only believe,I want to ask Faith in what? Only believe what?

You must believe someone or something. Faith must have an object. To many people, the important thing is to believe- what you believe is secondary. They have the notion that there is something mystical, magical in the mere act of believing, a sort of holy alakazam that transforms mere mortals into Captain Marvels. But it’s not faith that moves mountains, it’s God. This is not to deny that believing is not uplifting. But biblically speaking, faith, as a mere human activity possesses no virtue, holds no merit, contains no power.

The power of faith lies in its object; faith is only as good or valid as its object. The crucial thing is not faith, but the object of faith.

What is the proper object of faith? Jesus identifies it in Mark 11:22, ‘ Have faith in God,’  The object of faith is God. Jesus didn’t teach His Disciples to’ have faith’ , ‘ but to have faith in God.’  Our faith must be in God.


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