Saturday, 30 November 2024

Discerning What to Say ?



We need discernment in what we say from our pulpits

The Gospel we preach is political (we declare that Jesus is Lord and “Caesar” is not) and therefore the church is a political community.

   We are political in the sense that we are a “contrast community” whose life is ordered under Christ and should be markedly different from other communities.

   Our power does not come from wealth, nor power from economic currency, economic standing or military might. Instead it comes from Christian love, prophetic witness, generosity, prayer, personal influence, preaching and sacrificial service.


One hotly contested issue is whether politics should be preached from the pulpit in America. This is not an easy question. We should proceed carefully and pray for discernment when faced with the question of whether to address a political issue from the pulpit.

 If we decide to do so, we must be confident that our words and concerns arise from God’s words and concerns as expressed in Scripture. If we are confident that our words and concerns match God’s, we might address the situation directly. If we are not so confident, we might merely raise a question about the issue and say that Christians should pray for discernment. A preacher might be confident in addressing the problem of abortion from the pulpit, for example, but likely would not preach about federal regulation of the aviation industry.

Certainly the post - modern Church could address contentious topics like Climate Change.The sweeping global reality of transgenderism and on the multiple fronts, the social blight of neo- techno Utopianism   the emerging challenges of transhumanism. Identity politics,  critical race theory and ageism are important issues of today.These social issues are significant problems and  are worthy of concerted efforts by pulpits measures.

But in the face of evil, we must not be silent. Silence towards the enemy is tacit to condoning that evil. Evil marches  forward when good men are subdued or hesitant. Nations decline and fail when  good men and women, boys and girls are missing with inaction separated from vast knowledge- hubs and disengaged from public debare and life. Jesus said, in the world  you will have  trouble, but be cheerful i have overcome...and so can we.

Every Square Inch: An Introduction to Cultural Engagement for Christians

The above resource inspired this post initially. I hope you enjoyed my post(s) and would care to comment pro or con. Thank you, my reader.  Keep returning to amplify and consider. 


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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)