Thursday, 14 November 2024

Monolithic Truth? Or Bologna?

 Truth Solo? Or Baloney?



As terrible as fake news is and mis and dis information has been utilised since the earliest years of mankind... well, Free speech has been fought for nearly as much. Only Christianity changed the virus of lies into freedom of speech when and where men and women told the unstained truth. Men and women who followed the precepts of honesty as proclaimed by that marvellous Theologian of Christ.

Put off the old man...

It's been said that lies travel faster around the world than truth can put on its trousers. Winston Churchill said words to that affect. Truth, a rare commodity in today's world of spin, legalese and taffee- stretching reporting.

When Pontus Pilate asked the King of the Jews,  what is truth? Jesus of Nazareth simply stood there. Was he afraid to tell the truth about his mission or what he was up to? Did he shut his mouth because he was frightened? Or had he simply wanted appear knowledgeable by not answering any questions? Toughing his way out of trouble before the Roman procurator. Was he the ancient consummate politician or the Messiah as Hebrew ( and as  Christians  later believed) prophecy proclaimed? Where does the truth lie? Or stand?

Did he,  in fact, just stand there as the embodiment of Truth in a human being?

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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)