Tuesday, 19 November 2024

The Real Cost of Net Zero !

The Real Cost of Net Zero isn't Zero!


It's more like One followed by multiple Zeros!
The decimal is the Point.
The Capital and Labour is the issue.
But without Foreign Investment there is shortage without  Hi-Technology Storage. But even that is Not  the Real and urgent Need and Issue.

Tragedy for the everyday consumer!
and the Real Cost Tragedy to the Nation... and the World.  Hhmmm ?
Does this mean, go more gas or should we sow even more multiple billions and not weed? When do we harvest? When  do utilities become cheaper? If ever?
What about carbon capture technologies? What about go- nuclear?

Please watch the documentary: The Real Cost of Net Zero .on Sky News.com.au website -Australia.

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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)