Tuesday, 31 December 2024

In the Year 2025 and beyond. ( Rework )


 Resurgence of Conservative Core Values

As we enter the year 2025, there is a palpable sense of change in the air. The new year brings with it a fresh start, a chance to leave behind the old and embrace the new. However, in this new year, there is a unique twist – a return to conservative cultural, political, and social values, for the hoped- for duration of the decade, while still holding onto the best of the really new.

Re-Expressed Mandate

One of the key aspects of this return to conservative values is a renewed emphasis on the Judeo-Christian foundation that has been at the core of Western civilization for centuries. The principles of morality, ethics, and spirituality that are rooted in the Judeo-Christian tradition are seen as essential to maintaining a strong and cohesive global society.

In the year 2025, there is a renewed focus on family values, with a robust re-emphasis on traditional gender roles and the importance of marriage and parenthood. The nuclear family unit with  the two genders is seen as the foundation of society, and efforts are made to strengthen and support it through policies that promote marriage and child-rearing.
Nuclear Familial and Economic Rights

Alongside the emphasis on family values, there is also a renewed commitment to individual responsibility and self-reliance. The idea of personal accountability is seen as crucial to a well-functioning society, and there is a push to streamline reliance on government assistance programs in favor of encouraging more individuals to take control of their own lives. Where economic disadvantage is rife e.g., among the senior demographics, fuller responsibility to aid and assist with the private sector engaged alongside shall be pursued.
Global Co-operation Re-affirmed

In the realm of politics, there is a shift towards more conservative ideologies, with a focus on limiting new regulation, increasing fiscal responsibility, and a strong national defence. Allied military and economic co-operation among like-minded Western nation- states should continue. Cautionary treatment with a view to restrain yet tempered ongoing dialogue for the divisive and expansionist Axis nations of Marxist and Islamic ideological climes is advised.
As well as renewed co-operation in research with potential distribution of newer higher -technologies within First world countries. Establishing fundamentals with renewed vigor of Cyber warfare and Space warfare global  treaties and policies.
 Other fundamental shifts in policy to be pursued are the re-evaluation of the prior aims of  some western Governments as seen in over-empathised climate change model, the escalation of unreliable renewable- energy sources and the un-necessary demotion  and off- lining of fossil fuel providers and generators. Over the next years, the pursuit of Fossil fuel and more reliable power sources are to be practiced and it is proposed that such can be mandated
There is a renewed respect for the principles of liberty and individual rights that it enshrines. Whether in the individual governments and the citizens of aligned western nations  co-operation and their rights will be fully accorded throughout.

At the same time, there is also a recognition of the importance of preserving the best of the older norms,  traditions, customs, and cultural practices that have been passed down through generations. These aspects of our heritage are seen as valuable not just for their historical significance, but also for the sense of continuity and connection that they provide.
Renewed Cultural Moment

In the year 2025, there is a renewed appreciation for art, music, literature, and other forms of cultural expression that have stood the test of time. The classics are celebrated, and efforts are made to preserve and promote traditional forms of artistic expression while promoting the avant-garde and new exploration. 
 Ethical Progress in Technology

In the realm of technology, there is a recognition of the need to balance progress with caution. While advancements in science and technology are embraced, there is also a recognition of the potential dangers and ethical implications of certain edge technologies. There is a renewed emphasis on ethical conduct and responsible innovation in the neo- tech industry.

In the year 2025, there is a return to conservative social values, with an emphasis on respect for authority, tradition, and community. There is a renewed sense of civic duty and a commitment to upholding the common good.

Overall, the new year 2025 represents a return to conservative values, while still holding onto the best of the new. The Judeo-Christian foundation is acknowledged as the primary source of our cultural, political, and social values, providing a solid framework for a strong and cohesive society. By embracing the past while looking towards the future, we can build a better world for generations to come.

Sunday, 29 December 2024

Nature in First Light.

In the delicate dance of morning light,
Whispers of dawn caress the sight.
Painting the sky in hues of pink and gold,
A symphony of colors untold.

The world awakens with a gentle sigh,
As nature's beauty unfolds before my eye,
The birds sing sweet melodies in the trees,
A chorus of life carried on the breeze.

Each flower blooms in radiant grace,
A testament to the beauty of this place,
The grass sways in the soft morning breeze,
Dancing in harmony with the trees.

I am but a witness to this masterpiece,
A moment of peace, a fleeting release,
In the quiet stillness of the early morn,
I find solace in nature, my heart reborn.

(Again I thank Ian, my friend with much love in his tank)

Friday, 27 December 2024

Virtually Unexpected ?

Impassable Obstacle ?
Can man without the powerful help of God see that he and all other selves enable a kind of self- love that see the miracle of creation, the recognition  that all creatures as glorious  and excellent  things ?

Modelling ?

A new kind of self- love-- a form and gratitude  for all selves,  including their own,when they really learned to love their neighbours  as themselves they will be allowed to love themselves as their neighbours.

The Creator ?

Wants man to stop thinking that they created themselves, to learn that their talents were given them, that their ensuing development were afforded by Him to them. That their subsequent successes were not their own. That their internal and external gifts, skills and experiences were all granted to them by divine decree, not at all self made or engineered. 

Conclusion to be reached.?

That really nothing is man- made, all is given by Grace of the Eternal Sovereign of the cosmos. Yet loved unconditionally forever. The sooner man realises his life is sheer dependence on the will, power and mercy of the Creator God, then the sooner He shall be pleased.

( summed from the book, The Screwtape Letters by C.S.Lewis.)

Thursday, 26 December 2024

Love's Ruins

 Love's Ruin


I walk through life with a heavy heart

Misunderstood man, torn apart
By the words and actions of those around
But still, I hold onto love that I've found

In the eyes of my companion, shining bright
A beacon of hope in the darkest night
But even they do not truly see
The depths of my love, the real me

I long for understanding, for connection
To be seen and heard, without objection
But I find solace in the love we share
A bond that shows me someone does care

Family, too, can be a source of pain
Misunderstanding, conflict, the strain
But in their eyes, I see love as well
A love that's deep, though hard to tell

Through the struggles, through the tears
I've learned that love can conquer fears
That even in moments of despair
Love is always present, always there

And as I look towards the horizon new
I see a brighter future, a different view
Of love as more than just a feeling
But a force that's powerful, healing

So though I may be misunderstood
I know that love is still good
And I'll hold onto it, strong and true
For love is what will see me through.

(Thank you, Ian for this special poem)

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

All are Beautiful.

 All are Beautiful


Stanza 1:

In a world of beauty, where love abounds
Men are drawn to women, their hearts resound
For God has made them all so fair
In His image, they are His greatest care

Men loving beautiful women, it's a sight to see
God musing, "It is very good," for all are free
To love and be loved, in harmony
In this 21st century

Stanza 2:
With eyes that sparkle, and smiles so bright
Women bring joy, to every man's sight
Their laughter fills the air with grace
A gift from God, in this sacred place

Men loving beautiful women, it's a sight to see
God musing, "It is very good," for all are free
To love and be loved, in harmony
In this 21st century

In a world filled with chaos and strife
Love between man and woman is life
For God created them to be as one
A reflection of His love, bright as the sun

Men loving beautiful women, it's a sight to see
God musing, "It is very good," for all are free
To love and be loved, in harmony
In this 21st century

So let us cherish the love we share
For in God's eyes, it is beyond compare
Men loving beautiful women, a divine decree
In this 21st century, for all eternity.

I apologise for the lack of a Beautiful Christmas message on my blog. But my life is in Christ who loves my -more- than- heavenly Wife.  She abides in Heaven, eternally alive!

Monday, 23 December 2024




 Oh, at 40 years young, single and free,

Living life with zest and glee.
No need for a partner to complete,
Just swiping left and right on the dating app beat.

Workin' hard, playin' harder,
No time for drama or a love martyr.
Rockin' that career and killer style,
Who needs a man when you're on top of the pile?

Friends and wine nights, laughter and fun,
You're a 21st century woman, second to none.
Embracing your independence and single status,
Living life to the fullest, no need for a man to fuss.

So here's to you, fabulous forty and single,
Embracing life's highs and lows, no need to mingle.
Strong, confident, and living your truth,
Cheers to the single life, forever in youth!

(Singularly by Ian Arwedt with thanks)
Comment: Written with me in mind by Ian,who composed this rocking poem after my rejection by a beautiful, solo woman.

Sunday, 22 December 2024

Christmas Masculinity.

'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there

But I, a modern man of the 20th century
Know that Christmas isn't all about presents, you see
It's about spreading joy and goodwill to all
And making sure that no one feels small

So let's raise a toast to friends and family dear
And spread some Christmas cheer, loud and clear
For in this season of love and light
We can all make the world a little more bright

So Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night
Let's make this holiday season merry and bright!

(Poem by Ian Arwedt with thanks.)

Christmas Feminism




'Twas the night before Christmas, in a world so diverse,

Where women stand strong, their voices rehearse.

No longer confined to the roles of the past,
They break free from tradition, they're bold and steadfast.

They speak out for equality, for justice and rights,
They fight for their place in the brightest of lights.

No longer content to be seen and not heard,
They rise up together, a powerful herd.

For Christmas is about love and joy and cheer,
But also about standing up without fear.

So let's celebrate the women who lead the way,
Who shape our world in a brighter array.

May this Christmas be filled with strength and grace,
As we embrace our power, in every place.

(Poem supplied by Ian Arwedt with thanks)

Tuesday, 17 December 2024


Sources and Pathology. 

Loneliness is a complex emotional state characterized by a profound sense of isolation and disconnection from others, often leading to feelings of sadness and emptiness. It can arise from various circumstances, such as social exclusion, loss of relationships, or even living in a crowded environment where meaningful connections are lacking. Research indicates that chronic loneliness can have significant impacts on mental and physical health, contributing to conditions like depression, anxiety, and cardiovascular diseases.


 However, acknowledging and addressing loneliness can lead to positive outcomes, such as fostering deeper connections, enhancing self-awareness, and encouraging individuals to seek support and engage in community activities. Embracing the topic of loneliness is essential, as it highlights the importance of social bonds and the need for compassionate understanding in our increasingly hyper-connected world.

(Thanks to my earnest friend, Ian Arwedt for this post)

Monday, 16 December 2024

Saving Christianity?

In his book entitled, Saving Christianity, Dr Michael Youssef, writes,


These would -be -saviours have exchanged prayer for marketing strategies, salvation for social action, Holiness for happiness, power from God for favour with men and timeless truth for lies . They have focused on what is profitable at the expense of what is prophetic.And they have settled for what sells instead of for the One who saves.

According to Dr Michael Youssef, much of the Church has deviated from the true way.  Re-read his climactic statement. Shall we be like the Israel of ancient days and return to our chosen pulpits from the exilic  wandering? 

Sunday, 15 December 2024

Finding Peace in an Uncertain World.

Finding peace in a chaotic world. 

When the very best we can do is not enough to carry the day, what do we do?

If life is so full of uncertainty how do we exist to be okay?

Who or what do we call on?

Ourselves? Others?

When life is full of uncertainty how can we be certain of our next step?

Perhaps our parents have the answer? They seem too mixed up with the old school system. 

Yet the post modern world the world of social media seems too conflicted.

What is dis- information and what is mis- information anyway?

The government forces have outlawed under 16 yo from social media. Where can they find their voice?

We by nature are learning to understand the world around us. If the so called government outlawed learning about our world they seem to control the lives of our children. 

Social media expansion is of course necessary because there are few spaces for our group or community. 

Was the most overlooked aspect of socialism espoused in the land of no importance?

Wherever possible you and I are growing into our best possible selves.

Given that if I don't know how to find peace in this uncertainty, how can youth find it?

The government forces have overstepped their mandate by attempting to muzzle young people from exploring their own culture. 

Each generation has to counter that which they deem untrue but how can they if they are banned from exploring 🤔. 

The older generation has been utilised by the Media to provide information about certain aspects of their own motivations.

YouTube videos can teach you why, how and other fundamentals.

As can other platforms. 

We are on the way of totalitarian regimes if the government decides what is truth.

Everyone agrees that since certainty is lacking, we need to find a new ( or old) fundamental to live by.

Is Christian teaching the answer?

Ask a Christian today!

Written with my heart and mind together.
This post was originally written to a wonderful woman, who inspired my fragmented thoughts when I could string together a proper essay.
While addressing the Goverment's recent legislation. 

Thursday, 12 December 2024

Higher Aspirations

 High Aspirations

A gentleman relates overhearing a conversation between a father and his son who was an architectural student in a certain university.

 The father told him that he must study to please the people if he would succeed in building up a profitable profession.

The boy replied: “I cannot consent to try to please people who have no artistic knowledge or natural sense of beauty. I would rather be great than be rich. Millionaires there are in plenty, some of them both useless and vulgar. I am willing to be poor all my life if I can do something toward educating the people to high ideals for their homes and public buildings.”

That young man could not have paid a higher compliment to his teacher. There is no grander work in the world than to put high ideals into the minds and hearts of young men and women. The youth with high ideals will in the end rise far above the one who has low ones.



Character Built by Little Deeds


Character Developed by Little (& Big ) Deeds

It takes many fresh-cut flowers to supply a great city like London. 

Many years ago, a florist in the Covent Garden Market sometimes sold as much as $150,000 worth of cut flowers a week. One of the interesting features of the supply of flowers for this great city was that they came mainly from abroad and small growers. Baskets of flowers left from southern France in the evening and were ready for all the early morning markets of England two days later. These flowers were primarily grown by industrious French cottagers, each sending a few baskets from their little, well-worked garden plots. 

Human life is like that in many ways. It is the little things that make up the beauty and fragrance of a character. Christian manhood and womanhood grow by little restraints, little self-denials, and deeds that seem insignificant and taken alone. Still, the aggregation is a character and a life fragrant with a whole variety of Christian graces.

Monday, 9 December 2024

Mad Flight after Successfull Fight ?

In the twilight of a tyrant's reign, Bashar al-Assad takes to the skies,  
With wings of desperation, he flees, as the world watches with wary eyes.  
No longer cradled by Iran's embrace nor Russia's steadfast might,  
His flight, a testament to the crumbling of power, a fading light.  

O’er the land of ancient ruins, where once he held his throne,  
Now echoes of rebellion resound, a chorus of the overthrown.  
The whispers of the people rise, a tempest fierce and bold,  
In the face of tyranny's retreat, their stories shall be told.  

So let us mark this moment, a shift in the tide of fate,  
As Assad’s shadow lifts, we celebrate the end of hate.  
Stand firm in the truth, let justice be our guide,  
For in the ashes of his flight, a new dawn shall abide.
( My Grateful Thanks to my friend Ian Arwedt ) 

Friday, 6 December 2024

Four Moons at War? (Rework)

Four Moons at War. (Rework)

A four- power agreement or Munich Pact? Is this happening again in the world?


Is a volatile Middle East Region a better way to encapsulate or be- as feared- a trigger to WWar III?

Does Iran build a nuclear war- tool without being paused, hindered or Full Stop All Engines?

IDF ( International Defence Force ?)

 Shouldn't Israel be allowed to defend itself and that of the vital institution of Western Democracy in a rising climate of fears, terrorism and cost of dying crisis? Doesn't Islamic-nationalism with avowed anti-semitism or international Islamo- communism need to be confined like a spreading Flu? How can we innoculate other nations from this disastrous virus- like growth of anti- Western sentiment?

Popular Front Expanding;

Is the rising sentiment of populism in many European state nations an indication of right-wing political thought spreading around the Globe? Contrast the general elections of the UK and US, would this be a demonstration of opposites? Why do a few of the elitist governments seem bent on the abandonment of their native population in place of immigrated work forces? Some call it an Invasion from within.

 Squeaky Axis:

Some Middle Eastern and other countries have laws against some Western notions but clamour for foreign investment and know-how. The neo- Axis of power is not yet fully sold on each other except their united scramble against "big satan" and " little satan."

Another Sar(s) Problem;

Would someone please hold up a world- sized mirror so the rest of the World can see the true satanic horror? Behind the iron-fisted theocratic Government of Iran is the evil Sar Paras or Protector of Iran, an enemy against Israel according to Pastor and Author Jonathan Cahn. He adds that there is a protector of Israel a Sar Michael. We should pray mightily for world revival, in particular in the Middle East. Reports show that this revival is already underway in Iran, China and Syria.


Climate change is a concern, however it is eclipsed by four moons traversing across the globe attempting to block the life-giving solar- shine of the superpower the US. Could this be doomed to fail like a falling four engine flame out jet plane?


Dark days ahead, all stop then-- full reverse-- before it's too late! ( its Never too Late)

An opinion by Digital Anvil.

Sunday, 1 December 2024

How Character is Forged.



How Character Is Forged (Proverbs 23:7)

What is your aim and purpose as you begin the day’s work?

 You may say, I intend to do as much business and get through as much work as possible.

But what else, what beyond these aims? You may answer, I mean to support my family, to keep even with the world and if possible, to lay aside something against bad times and old age.

This is very good as far as it goes— but you will remember that the platypus builds his domain, the bee constructs her wax cell, and the ant fills her storehouse upon the same principle. They toil to supply present wants, make a provision for the future, and look forward to a season of rest and plenty as the reward of the labour and forethought of today. 

In a platypus, a bee, or an ant, this is sound policy and I would that all who profess and call themselves men came up to this standard: such habits would soon sweep away many-tenths of the poverty in the land. Still, even this purpose is altogether too low for a man. Reason ought to go beyond instinct and religion beyond reason; therefore, praiseworthy in these little creatures would be utterly unworthy of a man and a Christian.

Do not forget that, amid the cares of this world, as a man thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs.Chapter 23:7).

If, in his daily work, the crucial thoughts of a man’s heart reaches only his own comfort, credit and competence, then his life is sheer organized selfishness. He and his family are everything; Christ and His kingdom are nothing and every such person is literally “without God in the world” (Ephesians. chapter 2-v12). It is  not just for you to say whether your daily labor shall be a sin or a sacrifice and a success or a failure. It applies everywhere and always that the thought of the heart determines character, and developed character gives higher quality to good conduct. This holds good and true, not only on the Sunday and in religious events but also equally on the weekday and in everyday work.

Whatever he or she may be doing, as a person thinks in his heart, so is he; if his goals are low and his plans earthly, so is he; and if his motives are pure and his purpose high and heavenly, so is he; and as he is, so is his work.

While composing this post, I was freshly challenged by it. Any comments, viewer, pro or con?


Weakness's no problems?


 Weakness no obstacle

‘Fear not; for I am with you: be not dismayed; for I am your God: I will strengthen you; yes, I will help you; yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.’ Isaiah 41:10

(suggested further reading: 2 Kings 6:8–23)

The contents of this promise are fully answerable to all our fears, needs and distresses. ‘Poor fearing soul,’ the Lord says, ‘Fear not. I am with you.’ When Elisha’s servant saw the chariots of fire, he thought himself safe, though surrounded with an army. But here is more: Psalm 27:3 [Though an army should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident]. He is not with you only in a way of common providence, but in a way of covenant mercy and special grace. I am your God. If so, you are his people, and of such he has said in Zechariah 2:8, … he that touchs you, touchs the apple of his eye.

Are you weak? He says, I will strengthen you. But his strength is made perfect in weakness. Say therefore with Paul, [… for when I am weak, then am I strong] (2 Corinthians 12:9–10). See the chapter before my text, verse 29 [He gives power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increases their strength]. Consider how weak others have been, and yet how strong the Lord has made them—e.g., Abraham, the Patriarch, Peter, the Apostle.



Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)