Sunday, 15 December 2024

Finding Peace in an Uncertain World.

Finding peace in a chaotic world. 

When the very best we can do is not enough to carry the day, what do we do?

If life is so full of uncertainty how do we exist to be okay?

Who or what do we call on?

Ourselves? Others?

When life is full of uncertainty how can we be certain of our next step?

Perhaps our parents have the answer? They seem too mixed up with the old school system. 

Yet the post modern world the world of social media seems too conflicted.

What is dis- information and what is mis- information anyway?

The government forces have outlawed under 16 yo from social media. Where can they find their voice?

We by nature are learning to understand the world around us. If the so called government outlawed learning about our world they seem to control the lives of our children. 

Social media expansion is of course necessary because there are few spaces for our group or community. 

Was the most overlooked aspect of socialism espoused in the land of no importance?

Wherever possible you and I are growing into our best possible selves.

Given that if I don't know how to find peace in this uncertainty, how can youth find it?

The government forces have overstepped their mandate by attempting to muzzle young people from exploring their own culture. 

Each generation has to counter that which they deem untrue but how can they if they are banned from exploring 🤔. 

The older generation has been utilised by the Media to provide information about certain aspects of their own motivations.

YouTube videos can teach you why, how and other fundamentals.

As can other platforms. 

We are on the way of totalitarian regimes if the government decides what is truth.

Everyone agrees that since certainty is lacking, we need to find a new ( or old) fundamental to live by.

Is Christian teaching the answer?

Ask a Christian today!

Written with my heart and mind together.
This post was originally written to a wonderful woman, who inspired my fragmented thoughts when I could string together a proper essay.
While addressing the Goverment's recent legislation. 

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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)