Thursday, 12 December 2024

Higher Aspirations

 High Aspirations

A gentleman relates overhearing a conversation between a father and his son who was an architectural student in a certain university.

 The father told him that he must study to please the people if he would succeed in building up a profitable profession.

The boy replied: “I cannot consent to try to please people who have no artistic knowledge or natural sense of beauty. I would rather be great than be rich. Millionaires there are in plenty, some of them both useless and vulgar. I am willing to be poor all my life if I can do something toward educating the people to high ideals for their homes and public buildings.”

That young man could not have paid a higher compliment to his teacher. There is no grander work in the world than to put high ideals into the minds and hearts of young men and women. The youth with high ideals will in the end rise far above the one who has low ones.



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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)