Sunday, 12 January 2025


It's very easy to use adverse circumstances to further one's political career against a political opponent

It's opportunism 

There isn't a person alive who isn't tempted to get some traction (with  rising momentum) in their narrative or in some event they desire!

Humans are not immune from following their desires when not mediated by their intellect, wise counsel and societal norms.

As decades go by societal convictions are being tossed aside by vapid preferences and flavour of the season with improper teaching at education institutions--primary, secondary and tertiary. 


It's echoes of the prison of the so called sexual revolution of the 60s.

Of which I was a duped "member"

Willing yet unable to break free of the massiveness of deception happening globally at the time.
All three enemies of God were loose and present. 

The flesh,the world and the devil.

The earth is the global warzone!

Mysteriously God was working and preparing for the future outcomes of His Children. 

With a  little reasoning, yet a lot of love.

Opinion by Digital Anvil. 

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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)