Saturday, 30 March 2024

Celsius 233


Celsius 233


In the mistakes, in the middle of suffering, we can learn lessons that are 💯% necessary.  When I have wondered, shall life ever be easier again? I have sought God for that answer. Simply because I knew that I did not have the answer myself. 

Of course, that sounds too arrogant, but it's something we have all done! We think that Man is the ultimate measure of things and we thank each other for that realisation. Some of us are superman personified, all of us are not God and nevertheless we act as though we are. 


I have fallen for that lure time and again. We have only ourselves to blame. We treat others with false humility while we dish out so- called wisdoms. 



Perhaps, this arrogance is best seen in those horrific and massive rallies held at Nuremberg by the Nazis’ under Adolf Hitler. This is one example of the height and weight of the measurement of man--  without God!



Of course there are bigger instances of man's folly. Under Stalin, armed men brutally slaughtered, many historians say, mega, mega millions! Not in war, but against his own countrymen. Today dissidents are cheered, but then it was Siberia for the inferior.



Do you consider yourself impregnable? No? Of course not! Well, history is sprinkled with such men.  Men whose oratory is so much like Hitler's capturing ripe listeners with their own infernal desires matching his stridently cast, but hellish tones.


Hatred with oppression and victor-misation has stolen the countless lives of ordinary people.


There are many other examples of evil dictators and other not-as-evil autocratic regimes that have ravaged their citizens. At that you are probably thinking of one or three of them. You think of regimes that have secret police that are replaced with other autocrats who have another form of secret police. One government selectively killed its intellectuals, the country plunged into chaos. Another burned all the subversive books. Yes! Fahrenheit 451. Books are banned every year, making them more popular.


But that's children stuff compared with what a  highly Technological, highly Prosperous, Military/Civilian, Govt/Private partnerships nation can do. Communist East Germany, included some of these, now is just too old fashioned but successful spying in its time. The ‘70s nation of Iran ruled by the then  Shah scarcely coped, but George Orwell was writing more for other post- modern nations.

Destruction and nurture  are opposites. Yet polar opposites can, unfortunately co-exist. Both in one individual and so in a nation.

I admonish,yet open my sights carefully to aim at these semi-autocratic/semi-fascist countries that are secretly and some openly surveilling their populations to subjugate and oppress. Many oppress their minorities like Nazi Germany and even persecute them. I think of the re-education hospitals of old- order soviet Russia.Like Fascist Italy and National Socialist Germany in their climb to power and then clinging to it by killing any opposition.

I could successfully aim at but, you are already  fully aware of those terrorist rulers of  a few middle Eastern countries. There are more eloquent writers than me

If you are sick of reading but not completely forsaking the unlikely yet wholly persecuted minorities that you wish you could help in some way?

You can.

Rule your own heart and mind and will, do research and  try to see why on this solo planet these helpless peoples are murdered, barred in western societies and ostracised from existing and because of their own belief-systems by cruel majorities in countries that claim to be enlightened democracies.

With Love.




After much trouble, I am finding that God is better than I am at working out things everywhere, anywhere at everything! This -- of course--- comes at no surprise to you and me. But knowing something intellectually is not the same or sane as knowing something as with the Heart!

Yes! That's why many Christians believe that there needs to be a heart- felt experience before there is an understanding of the whole person.

Now I am aware that we teach that following your emotions is unwise. But I am Not saying that you should---follow--- them. 

But God is an emotional being as well. He is Love and love can be angry...etc.

What I am saying is to really understand the importance of the spiritual growth, needs the whole person to be involved, that means the mind and heart.

Thank you for your message, my friend

It is helpful, but I feel that we are on the Titanic, with God providing one way out. We have a responsibility to the world to save as many as possible via the life boats He has provided for the rescue of many!

Thanks for reading this...

With love,

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

A Bad 💡

When life seems to reach an end. Then start blogging again to the  friend. 

When love runs out, that's when you should not start to shout.

When death stares you in the face.
Stare back and find Grace.

Whenever you are tempted to give up.
Step up to find the faith of Frair Tuck.

Then love shall flow back. To repair and seal the crack.

The love of friend  from around the  very first bend. He never gave up not even at the very end.

The friend never left, wasn't deaf, nor sightless. He loved you till the night and  the day are spent.

Which you shall find was heaven sent!

Pressure arise,  quickly open your eyes.

Thursday, 21 March 2024

Why Bother? What!

God often puts us in situations that are too much for us so that we learn that no situation is too much for him.

Monday, 18 March 2024






Wedded Bliss Is True, Not Trendy


Yet another study has suggested that Americans are less satisfied with their personal lives, with one exception: married couples. According to a recent study published by Gallup, while less than half (47%) of Americans in general were satisfied with their personal lives, over half (57%) of married couples reported feeling very satisfied. That’s nearly 20 percentage points higher than their non-married counterparts.


Of course, this report does not mean that marriage is the only way to be happy and satisfied, or that a single life cannot be beautiful, meaningful, and happy. It often is.

Still, the truth about marriage should be told, given the popular narrative that marriage leads to misery, the record low number of young adults getting married, and the current push to mainstream
“non-monogamy” as good and healthy.

Not every institution should be revised for our modern ideas. The people most satisfied with their lives are those old-fashioned married couples, because this is as God intended it.


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Why Bother? I'm Sorry!

My Apologies! I missed my own deadline. 

However I learnt that even with the best plans,one can mess-up.This situation got me thinking. 
In the 1970s, the philosophy of two men became published. They were Alasdair MacIntyre and Samuel Gorowitz who wrote an essay on the nature of failure, of human fallibility.

The question they sought to answer was why we fail at what we set ourselves to do in this world.

One reason, they observed is necessary fallibility. This means on those occasions we want to do something for the world we live in, are simply not in our capacity.. we are Not omniscient nor all- Powerful.  We are not God. Even with our State of innovative and intelligent technologies, our mental powers are limited. Much of what happens is outside our understanding and control.  We are at the mercy of all kinds of forces, which are  arrayed against us. There are things that are beyond our logic and minds, which occur anywhere and at anytime.

We are simultaneously working with and at the same time against ourselves.  Humanity is powerfully progressing yet at the mercy of our own fallibility with our ignorance and ineptitude  woven into the fabric of our world.

Remember that there are elements of incalculable menace and joyfully there are elements of what we term, luck.
I unfairly perhaps call misfortune or something lucky as the fingerprints of God. Indeed some things are not looked for, yet are very fortuitous for all of us. 

Who would think that the two brothers of a religious family would start the aerospace industry.  When the then prevailing sentiment was that  God would have given us wings to fly,if we were meant to.
 But before you leap at the ignorance of the rest of  that society. Remember that the Medical profession once persecuted a doctor who evaluated and campaigned against unsanitary practices of the then current health services. They attacked him mercilessly until he entered an insane  sanatorium and died there.

Today Doctors wash their hands between patients and so do we.
Bacteria and viruses are a fact.

Thank God!

Ineptitude and ignorance are a fact.

Saturday, 16 March 2024

Borrowed for Saturday





John Stonestreet and Shane Morris

The Growing Political Divide of Men and Women


One feature of American life  for some time now is that women, as a group, tend to fall to the left of men politically. For much of the twentieth century, that gap was relatively minor. Until 1980, in fact, the sexes voted within a few percentage points of each other. Since then, things have changed dramatically.

Citing polling data from Gallup, Brad Wilcox of the Institute for Family Studies recently pointed out that the percentage of young men ages 18 to 29 who identify as Republican has risen by double digits in the last decade. “Some have doubted the idea that young men (18-29) are turning right,” he tweeted. “Time for them to wake up.”

As late as the mid-2000s, a similar portion of 18- to 29-year-olds of both sexes—just under 30%—identified as “liberal.” However, according to an American Enterprise Institute survey last year,
46% of white Gen Z women called themselves “liberal.”
Some conservative scholars like the Acton Institute’s Anthony Bradley think this emerging divide extends beyond political commitments to other areas as well, including morality. Last week,
he tweeted:

Gen Z is different. Women are more liberal than the men and this includes personal morality as well. More and more guys are willing to wait until marriage & fewer women are. Women now celebrate having a “high body count” [a.k.a., many sexual partners] as a[n] empowerment. Today’s young men are more traditional.

More evidence is required before we can conclude that American young men have had some kind of moral awakening, especially given the popularity of morally objectionable figures like fitness influencer and depraved pickup artist Andrew Tate. Still, the trends in self-description seem to hold in other polls,
even for high schoolers.


One factor behind this striking political divide between the sexes, especially the rightward turn among young men, is the Left’s obsession with condemning “the patriarchy” and “toxic masculinity.” Many young men hear this as a condemnation of their very existence. Similarly, the leftward lurch among women could have something to do with the perception that abortion is a women’s issue and the increasingly hysterical warnings that restricting abortion is the equivalent of subjecting women to Handmaid’s Tale-style reproductive slavery.

Still, pollsters have noted for decades now one thing that reliably predicts conservative views and voting, especially among women: marriage. Pick pretty much any election in any year, and half or even most married women
vote differently than their unmarried counterparts. In the 2020 election, for instance, the gap between how married and unmarried women voted was 15 points, compared with a 10-point gap between married and unmarried men.

As we know, marriage has been in steep decline for years. In fact,
Pew Research reports that the share of 40-year-olds who have never been married is higher today than at any time on record. Fertility, too, is near a record low, making our country more single and more childless than at any other time in its history. It would be foolish to think these numbers would not eventually show up in political behavior, and that one of the most likely proofs would be the widening gap between the voting habits of men and women.

Marriage and family are chief among what conservative writers have long called society’s “mediating institutions,” those layers between individuals and the state that provide security, opportunity, and meaning without the government’s intervention. As entering marriages and creating families becomes rarer, it’s little wonder so many who historically would have looked for protection and provision in the home are now instead looking to Washington.

In other words, the wedges that radical feminism, the sexual revolution, and the breakdown of the family have driven between the sexes are likely the main reason for this growing political divide. Women and men were created for one another, not just to build families but to build societies. Since each sex is indispensable, both, in their own ways, are lost when isolated. As the Apostle Paul
puts it in 1 Corinthians, “Woman is not independent of man nor man of woman; for as woman was made from man, so man is now born of woman. And all things are from God.”

Instead of pointing fingers at one another as Adam and Eve did after the fall, we should take this emerging political divide as clear evidence that without our oldest and most important mediating institution—the family, society unravels. There’s no way forward if men and women remain at such loggerheads, not only does dating become a nightmare, but the future is at risk. After all, the government cannot birth new citizens, voters, and taxpayers. Men and women stand or fall together. A nation in which the sexes are at war is a house divided against itself at the most fundamental level. Such a house cannot stand.

This Breakpoint was co-authored by Shane Morris. For more resources to live like a Christian in this cultural moment, go to




Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)