Friday 15 March 2024

Why Bother? ( cont)


 It’s an unspoken law that when you start dating and became more serious you owe much loyalty to your girlfriend and eventually to her parents for birthing and raising her. They become a kind of de facto parents to you. Well, it gets more complex as time goes by.


Why is that?


Think about that. You make that intuitive leap to say, they become ‘in- laws.’ Right!  So since—whenever-- there were rules or laws to regulate and shape relationships up until present times and beyond.


So cave man was too cave- like or 'primitive' to have discernibly strong enforceable laws, but we are fairly certain that there was some sort of ‘contract’ between the giver and the receiver of mature children for marriage.


Ignoring the present- day fluid customs for the moment; we have the codifying into enforceable written laws of the marriage contract which

 began centuries ago.

So we conclude-- temporarily-- with the statement that love and life began long before you were born and was or became more complex with time and culture and ethics. In this way your life and love is not fully your own. With love and life 'pre-set' before you were born. Is there a way in which there is a greater meaning above the usual understanding?

(Come back tomorrow for more)



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