Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Quick Sum


 The Bible has both a divine quality and a human side to its design. It is inspired by the Spirit of God so that it records, in its very words, God’s special revelation concerning His dealings with human beings. Yet it does this using the writing styles and selected genres of its human authors. Written in three different languages, the sixty-six books of the Bible span some 1,500 years of human history. God expresses His Word in varieties of vocabulary and writing styles as well as in diverse cultures and historic settings, while still maintaining a consistent theme and purpose. The Bible is unique among books for its message, its diversity, its survival, and its power to change lives. When we read the Bible, we read a God-breathed text that retains Divine and Human attributes.


Tuesday, 28 May 2024








"God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important. As a result, no one can ever boast in the presence of God."

1 Corinthians 1:28–29

A while back, I thought of how you, my darling, while suffering from extreme physical pain, have the excellent opportunity to care for someone who is suffering from emotional and relational pain. The point I am making is that those Cared-for became their Carer.

What a wonderful thing!

You are reaching out to your carers and the hospitals to reach them for Jesus Christ. You and I are in a position to reach people that no one else can get. God wants to use us, and when He does, we should ensure we give Him glory.

When the great apostle Paul and Barnabas were preaching in a town, a man there who had never walked from birth was listening to Paul preach. Paul could see that this man had the faith to be healed. So Paul drew closer and said to him, “Stand up on your feet!”

This man, who had never walked before, jumped to his feet and began walking and leaping. This astonished the crowd watching, and some shouted, “The gods have come down to us in the likeness of men!”

The Bible then goes on to say many men were planning to bring sacrifices to them. But Paul and Barnabas rent their clothes and cry out, “Men, why are you doing this? We are men like you and we preach to you that you should turn from your idols to the living God.” In other words, “Don’t give us the credit! Please don’t give us the glory! We are here to tell you to turn away from putting your faith in people, idols, or anything else.”

Do you want to be used more by God? Then dare to pray and you shall find that God will answer it. Say, “Lord, use me even more.” He may answer sooner than you expect.

 With Acute and Long-lasting love,

Dearest Sweetie,




I thank Pastor Greg Laurie for the initial full sermon. Of which this post is a poorer and shorter version.

I commend to you


Monday, 27 May 2024





Victor Kiam

"Entrepreneurs don't sit on their haunches, waiting for something to happen. They make things happen."

—Victor Kiam

In his autobiography Going For It! Victor Kiam is the first to admit that he is no entrepreneurial genius. He learned what it takes to operate and build a company by watching it happen.

 After graduating from Harvard Business School in 1951, Kiam spent the next few decades climbing the corporate ladder at Lever Brothers and Playtex. After a merger, Kiam became disenchanted with the company's direction and left. As many executives do, he went to a corporate headhunter to begin finding a new position. George Haley of Haley Associates had a different idea. "You should go out on your own," he told Kiam. "Find a company you are interested in, buy it, and run it yourself. Or start a new company."

Haley's advice surprised Kiam, but he let the idea settle and attended the worldwide seminar of the Young Presidents' Organization. After the conference, Kiam bought the Benrus company and in 1979, acquired Remington. Both companies were having problems, and Kiam was able to play a role in turning them around. He became a celebrity by appearing in television commercials and telling viewers about his purchase of Remington. Attired in a bathrobe, Kiam declared that he liked Remington's electric shaver so much, "I bought the company."

CONSIDER THIS: Never say never to an idea. What have you been mulling over, thinking about doing, but have not had the courage to attempt?



Passing On


Costs and Blessings

 The death of Sir Henry Bessemer called attention to the business career of a man who succeeded in making an immense fortune and yet did it in a way that blessed everybody else in the world.

As the result of long and laborious scientific investigation and experiments, he concluded that it was possible to convert iron ore into steel, so that the latter material could be sold at a mere fraction of its cost. The patents he took out to cover his invention enabled him for a series of years to obtain a royalty from using his apparatus and meanwhile, the price of steel was reduced to about one-tenth of its old quotations.

The shift in core values in societies over decades has been noticeable in many industries! Perhaps the most transformed industry is the rise of new high-technology, particularly in all sectors of the computer and allied industries. Although the costs of parts of consumer goods have dropped sharply, prices are slowly falling. With much R & D the next big thing could occur with greater regularity and endow mankind with more than it asked or expected.

 While the inventor of the steel process made a great fortune, he benefited the world many thousands of millions of dollars a year—a benefit which has been shared, both directly and indirectly, by every person in every country on the earth. This man's career is a signal illustration of the universal blessing of Christian character. Every person who finds salvation in Jesus Christ and enters into the joy of communion with God not only enriches his soul beyond comparison, but enriches everybody else who comes in contact with him. And every sinner he can lead into the same blessed experience becomes endowed with spiritual wealth, which also adds to the joy of the one who won him to Christ.



Sunday, 26 May 2024

Ads that started it all !



“Don’t put a cold in your pocket.”

—Kleenex advertisement

During World War I, the Kimberly-Clark company developed a super-absorbent material that could be used as a surgical dressing as well as a gas-mask filter. After the war, the same material was used in Kleenex brand tissues, which were originally intended to be used as a cold-cream remover. For years the product was promoted only for its ability to help remove cold cream. However, marketers kept receiving letters from customers that asked, “Why don’t you say it’s good for blowing your nose?” At first, no one paid much attention to the suggestion, but the letters came in so frequently that the marketing department decided the concept was worth some research.


To test the new idea, a novel advertising campaign was devised. Half of the newspapers in Peoria, Illinois, carried an ad urging people to use Kleenex for removing cold cream plus a coupon good for a free box of the tissues. Ads in the remaining newspapers also included a coupon but touted Kleenex as a handkerchief substitute. The handkerchief version drew the most response, accounting for 61 percent of the coupons redeemed. The experiment showed that Kleenex could be more popular if used as a disposable handkerchief rather than for the purpose it was originally intended. With that evidence, a new ad campaign was devised to promote both uses of Kleenex, with its role as a handkerchief getting most of the coverage. Eventually, Kimberly-Clark comprised a list of forty-eight “typical” uses for Kleenex.

CONSIDER THIS: Be alert for new or different uses of a product or service. This can be a natural avenue for expansion.


What would the Mad Men say? Any clues?

Your guesses, your thoughts are welcome?


Saturday, 25 May 2024

Young Sellers ?


 Selling Yourself

A man’s success in handling people is the very yardstick by which the outcome of his whole life’s work is measured.”

Dr. Paul Parker

A man in earnest finds means, or if he cannot find, creates them.

William Ellery Channing

 You never will be the person you can be if pressure, tension, and discipline are taken out of your life.

James G. Bilkey

 There is a difference in being an order-taker and being a salesperson. High school students can be hired to “take orders” at McDonald’s or at the local department store. In sales, there is an important step to becoming a professional. Most professional sales relationships are more than just a single chance encounter, such as would occur at a grocery store or a fast-food restaurant. In fact, the relationship is much like a marriage. There is a courtship, a consummation of the deal, and involvement that continues after the sale is made. The quality of the “marriage” depends on how well the seller manages the relationship. If the marriage is good, the seller’s reputation is enhanced and there will be opportunities for more sales. If it is bad, the seller’s reputation is tarnished and sales will dry up.

This sales relationship occurs even if we are not pursuing sales as a career. We sell ourselves to our employer, to other business associates, and to our friends. In every case, we must follow through after the sale. We must recognize that there are competitors lurking around every corner. Service after the sale builds the relationship generates repeat business. Honesty in the relationship builds trust. Being there when troubles surface builds loyalty. Good sales relationships build referrals, recommendations, and more opportunities to make another sale.

CONSIDER THIS: Relationships do not just happen. Like a marriage, they require time, commitment, and energy. Give of yourself to others, and you will see friendships develop.

Of course all sales persons start somewhere, many order- takers become career sales persons! So I hunted for the best definition of a young person or next gen-er. They should Not be overlooked nor left in the outer- darkness.

A youth is a person who is going to carry on what you have started. He will assume control of your cities, states, and nations. He is going to take over your churches, schools, and corporations. You may adopt all the policies you please, but how they are carried out depends on him. So it might be well to pay him some attention.

Edythe Draper, Draper’s Book of Quotations for the Christian World


Try -Again Again


Persistence Pays Off

“In the long run a man becomes what he purposes, and gains for himself what he really desires.”—H. Mabie

Time after time, biographies tell the story of a person who had a great idea that was rejected or who was turned down for a job. But that person was incredibly persistent and eventually became a success. Such was the case of Becky Heflin. After applying for a job that she really wanted in state government, Becky virtually camped out on the doorsteps of the governor’s office until she was hired. Over the next several years, she was named to a number of high-level positions. When Carol Channing went looking for a job, she continually hung around a talent agent’s office until she was accidentally invited to audition for a part.

Steven Spielberg went to the film studio where he wanted to work, found an empty office, put his name on the door, and began to create. Almost no one at 3-M believed that Post-It notes had a future, but Art Fry kept handing them out to people until the company gave the product a chance. Even after the first marketing attempt failed, Art refused to give up on the idea and kept plugging away. A new idea can go nowhere unless someone has the faith to believe in it after others have stopped doing so and possesses the persistence to keep trying after most reasonable people would quit. Who knows what inventions or ideas have been overlooked because they weren’t pushed hard enough?

CONSIDER THIS: What ideas have you given up on too soon? What opportunities have you left because the “door closed?” Why aren’t you outside that door trying to pry it open again?

 Alan C. Elliot, A Daily Dose of the American Dream: Stories of Success, Triumph and Inspiration


Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)