Monday, 3 June 2024

A Woman's Emotions Part 2

A Woman's Emotions Part 2.

[ continues today from yesterday 02/06/2024.]

Years ago i used to laugh...that's before I began to understand a little...

Sometimes I react by tuning out. Because I didn't have a clue as to what was really happening so I would stop listening and withdraw. Other times I would ignore my wife's plight and turn up the volume of my life or interests to tune out the 'noise' that was coming out. I confess that I didn't know that trying to drown out these mysterious problems was stupid.

Now it's  not because I didn't care.

It's because I didn't know what to do about it and that realization alone can be overwhelming to me.
The single best way to approach the matter of your partner's emotions is to ask GOD to give you insight into what your partner is feeling and show you how to pray accordingly.
Much of what happens to your partner's emotions begins in her mind. The evil enemy will feed her lies about herself with thoughts that make her feel depressed, sad, angry, bitter, fearful, lonely, or full of self-doubt. The devil will make her think that such thoughts are reality, or that God (this one is used against me too) in fact is giving her and me a revelation for her life.
 In fact it happened recently (just months ago) when she was suffering alone in hospital. The enemy had separated her by isolating her from our family, friends and her familiar surroundings. The evil enemy had suggested with lies to her mind that this situation was not going to change, that her present woes were her own fault and that she was the only one suffering these sorts of thoughts. Doctors could not agree as to her  exact diagnosis, except that this would not change anytime soon!
Suffering from emotional hurts from a distant past, a past that as a child she had blocked out with totality. She had experienced a mind- crushing, a heart- rending experience in a concentration camp in Germany. This plagued her mind as it surfaced consciously with the evil remind-er himself wrenching and wrecking her inner being for several weeks. With vivid delusions and daytime 'dreams' of large fiery ovens, big deadly dogs and minions of deathly evil nature perpetrating evil acts.

However her state of mind was in complete upheaval for a very long time even now. With inexplicable mood swings, angry tirades and tearful episodes lasting days. We all watched with compassion, yet helplessness prevailed for a while. When - in desperation -  I turned to GOD who began, a good work in her, enabled me to recognize the 'symptoms' of the current medical condition as stemming from her blacked- out past, i knew what i must do! Pray, pray and more praying!
She thought that she was insane and unable to reach out to her Saviour and God.In fact she felt--all alone-- without the ultimate presence of her comforting Creator. Pressured by relentless, extreme thoughts she verged on collapse, but her younger sister reached out and deeply listened to her, soothing her heart and mind on every occasion they spoke. We continued in prayer for her, never quitting our petitions before the Throne of the Almighty. In sheer lucid serendipity,my beloved reached out to our old church and counselling sessions were arranged with a delightful,  strong, believing young woman whose very nature reflected godly beliefs and virtues.
Thank GOD !
Thank GOD !

To diverge:
I could be listening to a particular pastor or some other preacher on Christian TV and the evil enemy will start to whisper thoughts of hurt, depression,disbelief, etc. and I would believe the lies of the evil enemy. Or as I said your partner's mind is fed with such thoughts too. Our relationships would be better if we came into them with wholeness, but it's a fact of life that before we were involved in a long-term relationship we carried baggage with us.

Click and return to read more of A Woman's Emotions. Part 3.

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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)