Tuesday, 4 June 2024

A Woman's Emotions Part 3


 A Woman's Emotions Part 3.


Today's post is the third portion of my essay. A Topic that is personally relevant and true to life..


 Our relationships would be better if we came into them with wholeness, but it's a fact that before we were involved in a long-term relationship, we carried baggage with us.


But achieving wholeness can take a long time or even a life-time.

I firmly believe that the circumstances of the marriage or long-term relationship provide the way to wholeness. Yes, God provides for your healing and your partner's healing in the long-term relationship or marriage.

Emotional healing happens faster in a marriage or within the context of a loving, committed, forgiving, love relationship because the hurting person often feels safe enough to face the pain of the past or your partner does not have to hold it together or keep up an image or pretend there is no hurt. If you discovered a variety of hurts and emotions began to surface in your wife or partner - things you weren't aware of before- rejoice that you have been deemed trustworthy enough to be her support through her healing.


Please don't run from the task or situation or be afraid of it.


Remember, you are the personal 'tool' in God's hand, but only God can fix damaged emotions. He will do it from the inside out and in His way and timing. Your prayers are crucial to keeping the devil at bay and supporting other elements while this is accomplished.


While some of our emotions are the outcome of our emotional response to everyday situations, I firmly believe that sometimes events happen where and when we exclaim, why did I do that? We are bewildered by our actions and their resultant emotions. No one has not beaten themselves up for doing the inexplicable. 

It should be fairly obvious that all the deep emotional hurts accompanied with tearful episodes need to be healed by a loving, gentle husband or partner with the  All powerful divine Being known as the Heavenly Father. The process is carried out because you are the safe habour whom God has chosen to be a shelter and spiritual covering during her trial.Tell her that you are praying for her and that you love her more than ever. Keep her calm, free from negative interference.

 With the journey, you shall find that your stronger,  finely-tuned violin shall bring forth splendid music and sweetness like radiant sunshine. The atmosphere is brighter and richer for the both of you.

 Please note: I am indebted to my lovely Sister in Law, Who has maintained a daily prayer and mutual support 'avenue' for my hurting wife. As well as her outstanding Counsellor who provided so much loving, emotional and relational support.


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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)