Sunday, 2 June 2024

A Woman's Emotions


The following is a distillation of  experience, and the fruit of the book, The POWER of a PRAYING HUSBAND by Stormie Omartian.

I certainly  don't  wish to make light of my wife's emotions  nor suggest to you that I know everything about the mysterious power and condition of a woman's emotions.

A woman's emotions are like that of a finely tuned violin or at least can be compared to one. When the instrument is perfectly tuned the results are beautiful music. But the violin is delicate and highly sensitive instrument that can be affected by changes to its surroundings. Any changes in the surroundings - imperceptible or subtle to the partner-can send the violin out of tune and create a horrifying out-of pitch result.

However when it is in tune the result is beautiful music, deep rich pleasurable music. Or it can be harsh dissonant screeching, nerve- jolting 'noise.'

Whether it is one or the other depends on two things, the condition of the instrument and mostly on the proficiency of the player. Of course if your partner's emotions are in the hands of the evil enemy, everything gets out of tune and the results are unpleasant and upsetting.

I am sure you are already aware, well aware that your life is dramatically affected by the partner's emotions. If she is depressed, anxious angry, or hurt. chances are you will be feeling it too or at least in some way.

 Sometimes in the past I've made light of her emotions by joking to minimise the affect of them. Years ago I used to laugh to make light fun at her emotions; that's before I began to understand a little.

Stay tuned and  return to read more of  A Woman's  Emotions  Part 2.

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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)