Wednesday, 5 June 2024

A Woman's Emotions: Final Part.



A Woman's Emotions: Additional Part

It isn’t my task to suggest that you implement my thoughts fully into practical tools for a better life for a hurting spouse or partner in the future. Indeed, I do not intend that at all, but I choose to make that light of our situation available to provide a way forward for those who arrive on my Digital Anvil blog. I believe that the situation we ‘fell into’ was orchestrated by God ultimately for our good and as he draws others to my blog.

I have learnt a little

Having found research that may encourage others like my wife and I, Peter Eriksson of Sweden’s Sahlgrenska University Hospital discovered that brains well into their sixties and seventies undergo “neurogenesis,” or the development of new brain cells. This is encouraging information for individuals who are experiencing problems they desire to overcome—some of which may be traced to the way they were parented, some from abuse, but often from behaviour choices they made.

I am doubly thankful to God having arranged to find this heartening news for my essay. I knew with certainty that God can change a person in very beneficial ways. Science has also confirmed that belief for me and you.

I also thank God because I found this old essay and adapted it to our everyday lives to achieve an outcome that benefits us all.

Thank You God!

This concludes this post series.


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Brilliance in stupidity--sinwork. ( Quote: Digital Anvil)