Friday 20 September 2024

Mission of the Christian today?



The Mission of the Christian.

Old School Statement


We act in faith, hope and love in the present, offering our lives as LIVING sacrifices to our exalted Lord. Then, in the power of the Holy Spirit, we prepare this sin-cursed and war-torn earth to receive the reign of God on that day when heaven and earth are married together. We want, as best as we can, to make God’s kingdom ‘come’ so that it may be ‘on earth as it is in heaven.’ By our kingdom- labours, we are preparing the bride to meet the groom, setting the table for the wedding feast of the Lamb and curating God’s creation for the day when God will be ‘all in all.’

Questions to ask

Is the post-modern Christian more shaped by social media than by Scripture? What can we do to correct that?  Utilising  the social media Christian to build the Kingdom is problematic,  but can we avoid hindering the shaping and efficacy of them in the process? More challenging, how do we build the kingdom in the face of secular nationalism and globalism while resisting the inevitable seduction to create an empire of our own? 

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Tolerating Intolerance ?



Tolerating Intolerance-Correction?


The over-arching virtue in today's Western societies is Tolerance. Ironing out the wrinkles of the human condition is redefined by that all-good virtue.


Would have it that the prime- movers of tolerance are in- tolerant of a little religion known as Christianity.


By the Media,  Academia, Governmental Organisations and others, tailors and wraps the cloak of disdain for the only solution for human beings on this planet 


Their outcry...

Deny Jesus, break up our message and decrease vastly the lure of religious ' membership ' and insult us and assault our God-given rights.



discord and hate among the compliant surrounding peoples. Thus, disturb our peace, trample our hearts and tempt our young


Their strategy...

Legislate against us as though we are outlaws, bigots and social criminals.

Shun, ostracise and police the Christian Influencers day and night.



By their intolerant lies. - turning our good into evil and their evil into good.  So many truths,  but no truth. Many values,  but no value.


Bad news?  Wait, there is ever better news!

Remember,  Christian, you are much-loved citizens of Heaven, eternal beings, royal priests and a holy nation. Subjects of the Kingly Saviour. The true, the righteous and the stewards of grace.

 Do we know Who assigns value and truth?

To be sure, the wicked will not win. But we are the givers and pray-ers of Grace, Love, Forgiveness and Mercy.

Praise to Our Saviour.


Monday 16 September 2024

Join the Many.

Pray on, keep praying, pray for the West and the rest.

Second Assassination Attempt.

Apparent 2nd Assassination Attempt. 
Trump safe and sound 
Suspect captured fleeing.
Attempt occurred in Florida at 2pm.
Trump declared  Never Surrender. 

Sunday 15 September 2024

Random Quote.

Having children creates Civilisation!

Letter to the Australian Church.


Don't dilute the Book of Ages, the book of life and the manual of man.

We are  all beggers helping other beggars find food and drink and ultimately treasure. See John 10:10

Saturday 14 September 2024

What is on My Heart--and Could be on Yours



My Statement for the Puzzled Christian:

Uncertainty and Certainty in Flux.

Grace, Mercy and Love in Action


To be a faithful Christian is to embrace tension. The mistake some Christians make is to think we could actually find a home in politics.

When people have this framework, it perpetuates the idea that there is exclusively or only one way to engage in politics in order to be a faithful Christian. With such a narrow ideology, we can fall into a situation where we stop thinking, stop engaging and stop asking important questions.

It becomes my side versus your side, in or out, for or against, friend or foe, ally or enemy. We strike-off people who identify with the other party, for whatever reason and often those reasons are the ones spread by our chosen media sources.

Jesus died and extended Grace for the Left, the Right, and everyone in between. So, even as we seek to spread truth,we must stop vilifying and demonizing those we disagree with.

It is impossible to have one political party that fully encapsulates what it means to be about the kingdom of God. It doesn’t exist. The kingdom of God cannot be encapsulated by one gender, one church, one denomination, one leader, and certainly not by one political party—even if there are prominent Christian leaders advocating for it

See Luke 6:27. Mark 12:30-31. Matthew 5:3-12. Romans 12:2.

Have Child-like Faith.



Thursday 12 September 2024

Exercise vs Building



BodyBuilder vs Building the Body:


A bodybuilder was visiting an African tribe, and the tribal chief was just amazed at his physique. So the tribal chief asks the muscle builder, “What do you do with all of those muscles?”

The bodybuilder said, “Well, it’s probably easier to show you than to explain.” So he went into all these different presentations of his physique to show off the different muscles—the biceps, the triceps, the back, and the obliques. He just stood there, changing poses. After the presentation, the tribal chief said, “Now that’s impressive! But I have a second question. What else do you do with all of those muscles?”

“Well,” the bodybuilder said, “that’s pretty much it. I work out to pose.”

The African chief said, “What a waste. What a waste.”

Many Christians work out only to pose. They don’t work out to use the muscles they have developed. They carry their Bibles, stand during praise and worship, raise their hands to praise the Lord and absorb the Word of God from the sermon, leaving the church and never using what they’ve learned.




 Ambassadors and the World

There is an Australian embassy in England. Located in that building is all the power of the AU Government on one square block. Everything needed from an Australian standpoint is inside that building because when it speaks, it speaks on behalf of the Government.

Suppose another world leader told the Prime Minister, “Let’s negotiate.” The Prime Minister can say, “I already have an ambassador in your country.” He would be implying that talking to an ambassador is the same as talking to him.

The Bible says that you are ambassadors of Jesus Christ. When people hear from us, they have just heard from God. He has given us delegated authority to speak on His behalf. How can we be ambassadors with our mouths closed? He has given us the privilege of being a spokesperson. Speak up, man! Speak up, lady!

Mission of the Christian today?

    The Mission of the Christian. Old School Statement   We act in faith, hope and love in the present, offering our lives as LI...